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Messages - whitey 43

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You certainly have opened a can of worms, having been a member of Heaven for a number of years and knowing a number of the people that have responsed to your requests for pre90/95, you could do what I plan, as of next year, this will get you a ride on your pre 90 bike and still ride/race with the same club.
As Heaven has meetings that go over 2 days, with the first day generally being practice. Which is a great idea, but with the extra day's riding the wear and tear was starting to show on my bikes. Next year I will take my 1987 CR125 and use it as a practice bike, then on race day, ride my pre 85 bikes. Problem solved.
Wow! Logic...Its A wonderful thing...

Im not 100% sure if the term 'retro' will catch on especially when it was brought up the other week that many guys call old non MX dirt bikes such as KDX/IT/PE 'VMX' bikes. The term, VMX or Vintage is pretty well imbedded in peoples minds for any 1980's and older bikes and a lot of people call 85-89 bikes vintage or VMX bikes and im not sure you can convince people to start calling them 'RMX bikes'. You could probably get that term to be used for pre 95 because that hasnt even started yet but i dont know if it will catch on for pre 90 now that in some states its already a class been run under the 'VMX' banner and there has been the odd pre 90 bike in 'VMX' mag and at 'VMX' type events such as CD and HBBB, when many already consider them VMX bikes but just of a later era to the older VMX classes. i think if we wanted the term RMX to be used for pre 90 that it may be a little too late for that now and should have been decided on before pre 90 started? Anyway just my thoughts.

There is no pre 90 in the rulebook . It lives in peoples heads that have an old donger , short arms with deep pockets and are scared of  being beaten by more moderns than theirs .
I believe that most pre 90s guys have the same passion you have wasp, your train of thought is what will kill your clubs / divisons in the long run. Please reply with something more constructive...If you can ;)

Suzuki / Re: 1985 RM125
« on: September 18, 2010, 10:02:19 PM »
Good luck with this one...I will b watching with interest.


They're just old bikes with no relevance to 99.9% of current MX riders, which is why they need to be a part of the old bike scene

Nathan i think you will find there just old bikes with no relevance to the same percentage of vmx riders  ;)

In fact there just old bikes  :P

They got no soul

A vmx bike has soul  8)

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...

Ok good idea, but instead would like to see the cut off at 99 instead of going to 2005.

Hey!  >:( I've got a 2000 model and it's not really different from the '99 model. Will the carry-over rule apply to this?

There'll certainly be riders out there looking at the tired 2009 practice bike at the back of the garage and wistfully thinking about the 'good old days'
Looks like A '99 to me...or did you paint the airbox?
 :D :D :D :D

General Discussion / Re: Pre-95.
« on: September 15, 2010, 04:40:54 PM »
Ive lost interest in the debate...Im just waiting for the next crazy pic...Keep em comin!

For Sale / Re: CR125 RG
« on: September 14, 2010, 07:34:10 PM »
Pics on evil bay...

Well said trailietrash! I have been involved in speedway (cars) since I quit bikes in 2000. In speedway, they have so many splinter groups started by competitors cheezed off with respecitve clubs that the governing body has had to step in & stop the rot. I would hate to see the same thing happen to sport I love. There has to be A general agreement for this division-yes, join vmx od no - go do club days. The powers that be are the only ones that can sort this out, everyone making their point are all really trying to do two things...1. Look after their interests & 2.Enjoy competiting in the sport they love. I guess at club level A vote can be held and the decision frozen for A specified amount of time.Im only new to this,not a know it all,but this fourm wont fix the issue...

Easy Tiger!!

Some of you boys and girls are hanging on WAY too tight......  Relax a little.  I STILL don't get it.

Once again for the Dummies, in 25 simple words or less.....

"We should not allow a pre 90 class because : " ?

It's coming. Not IF, but WHEN. Seems to me all this pontification is just that.   A lot of MY willy is bigger than YOUR willy stuff.

P.S. I know Tony. I know how genuine he is and I think you blokes have missed the point. Oh, and he is a BIG bastard.....
I met Tony on the weekend - very the rest of us...

sorry bout the spelling...

I had my first ride (slowly) on the weekend @ Bidadabba after 10 years on the sidelines & had no idea of this pre 90 issue...What I found was A heap of decent blokes (& gals) all out trying  to have A bit of fun on the weekend. Half the fun is trying to make the older bikes look decent again (after years of mistreatment) then trying to stay upright whilst going as fast as you're game to untill you pass out, fall off or throw up.I raced extensively through the 90s & Im at the point where I dont want to be used for traction or go screaming into A 10 foot wide gap with 39 other lunatics. I love all the bikes, all the eras & all the effort made to make you feel welcome at QVMX. Yes my preference is pre 90-they aer the bikes I watched my heros blast around on & that is my passion. The older bikes will disappear in time but wont be forgotten & I guess what im trying to say is lets look at the past with A little bit of foersight...

Can some of you early-bike-hoarding legends please tell me how I could be riding at all without $3k+ to spend and six months to wait for a rideable bike to come onto the market ?  Until then pre-90 it is.  
Jeez....Another 'no good bikes left' .
OK Two Time, are you seriously trying to tell us that in six months you haven't been able to find a bike to race for your precious 3k? You haven't indicated what division you prefer but I'd suggest that you haven't been looking very far past the end of your street. Seriously good bikes in all divisions come up all the time. Sure you're not going to get a primo machine for a paltry 3k but you can find decent usable bikes for that kind of money all the time. You either have high expectations as to what you can get for your 3k or as I believe, you're not really trying. Just this last week a fellow 'good 'ol boy bought a one owner, never raced or ridden hard Yamaha MX400b for $1000. The funny thing is that the bloke had the bike for sale for ages with no takers. Open your mind and you never know what you'll find. Have you checked out the classifieds on this forum or the related Ning site? Have you considered buying a $1000 dunger and actually building the bike of your dreams with your 2k change? Have you looked at eBay? Have you considered buying from the USA?....There's plenty of options.
Its called VMX not budget boy racing   the reason this early bike hoarding legend hangs onto his bikes is because having invested more than a few quid buying and restoring them im not about to sell them to some tight arse Johnny come latley at a loss
Hallelujah TM Bill. Two Time, your smarmy attitude ain't going to get a look in at this legends "hoarded early bikes" either. What this hoarder does with his bikes is none of your business and if it was your 3k isn't going to get close to any of them.

Firko. Maaaaaaate. Yes I am smarmy and a smartarse at times.....................

But took it a bit too far so my apologies to all.  :-X

But in all honesty, yes I have looked - here, ebay, gumnut, trading post, DDR, Shoreline. You name it. As for building, yes that works too but I firmly believe a bloke needs a rider first, then a project. No good having a bike in bits when your mates are all out there cutting laps.

So pre-90 it is. The question is do you guys want to let us in? If the answer is yes, thanks for letting me cut my VMX teeth without selling one of the kids. And while getting my mechanical and riding skills up to scratch on a pre-90 bike that should initially need less of both, I'll keep a tight-arse eye out for the older bike/project I really want.

If the answer is no, well, I guess I'll have to ride somewhere else and OzVMX will be -1.


Tech Talk / Re: YZ50 engine rebuild - PROBLEM
« on: September 13, 2010, 05:46:20 PM »
Hope it goes well 4 u

Tech Talk / Re: Nicasil VS Iron bore
« on: September 13, 2010, 05:44:53 PM »
Mainly kwaka thing (from my experience) but can happen to any 2 stroke with a bridge port exhaust...Using hi quality oil helps prevent these nasty problems too.

Tech Talk / Re: Nicasil VS Iron bore
« on: September 13, 2010, 04:55:09 PM »
The exhaust side of the motor is the hottest...That little bridge in the exhaust port heats up way quicker than the rest of the cylinder & expands faster, grabbing the piston...Commonly called a "cold seizure" because it happens soon after fired up.That is why the bridge port should be relieved when rebores are done.Pretty common on Kawasakis.You can also drill 3 small holes in the piston in line with the bridge to help too.

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