True but same applies, its only the models they want , if 2 people arent interest is it still worth more than it was yesterday ? i think not. and to use you car refers, well you only have to lok at the arse that fellout of the GTO market last year, up to half a mill, now back into the 100,000, its all swings and round about, and its only worth somthing to someone who wants it, if you dont have 2 interested parties , or enthusiats well its worth nothing really.
Personally, i wouldnt pay 5,000K for a GTHO, i think there peices of shit, but hey im just not interested in them, nor some of those bikes you mentioned. MY point was sometimes bikes and models are era specific, unless its a works model or one of 5 made, reallity is market will dictated usually by those who had a passion to own one, ride one or what ever historical connection to it they personally have, as the generation moves forward they have less connection to that model and it had better have some kind of cult status otherwise it will join the also rans.
As in the case of the GTO you mention, you would always need to find 2 more people who want it , for more than id pay for it to have any value, that value is then benchmarked based on that sale. So being simplistic, assume both guys buy one, then the 3rd turns up - its worth how much EVERYTHING is only worth as much as someone is willing to pay ( or likewise willing to sell)
im not saying somthing looses value, im just saying everything levels out, and only the special stuff has another run. Before the Vmx got legs how much of this stuff was worth anything ? same stuff probally changing hands for less than $500. IF you took away the sport, through DB, rules etc i suspect the level would change also. I was only thinking about this the other day, why is a MXB worth so little ? simple interest the only reason its not getting as much money as the rest of them ? my guess is its just currently not got a riding market, if you let it run pre75 what do you think would happen to the price over night ? same with the TM 250 75 ?
I think value has to be linked to something outside the bike, even if its as stupid as your mate say to you he want XYZ and now you decide you want one too, a value is now created on Jealousy, you have just created a value based on what ? emotion, nothing to do with the unit itself.
IF we are talking about bike values i think they will hold there value for as long as you can ride them, when that runs out they will fall back in value, and the only one to command price support will be the ones that the other person wants to admire and collect, some bikes fall into the both category , but others only fit in one. There is always a ceiling.