ALL THINGS 414, why dont you just f*&k off and go back under your mushroom,this thread is all about people that have enjoyed themselves, being positive and happy and looking forward to doing it in the future. I dont know you but I was talking to someone this morning who said you where a good bloke and cant understand your carryings on, maybe you need phyciatric help? If your just doing it for a stir then its in poor taste, didnt your mother tell you if you havent got anything nice to say then dont say anything at all. I would garrantee even someone like you would have loved CD6, maybe thats what you need to come along to CD7 and we can show you how to have a goodtime!! I have to thank everyone again for CD6 the most awesome 4 days of dirtbiking I have ever had, hey AJ how about making it a week long like Bikeweek in the States, you coud call it DIRTBIKE WEEK , gee we coud start another thread on that. Everyone in the whole dirtbike world coud come to it, even nasty, lonley Victorians with the I dont go out of my 300km radius mentality.Cheers John.