I'm one of those "damn Yankee's" that is so pissed at the government,
banks, wall street and anyone else that caused this mess. I will blame
mainly the congress on this one. No money down? no job? no problem.
Fannie Mae will get you into a house! If your a minority, or poor, no problem
we will get you into a house. Interest only payment for three years,
no problem, by the time the three years is up, you can refinance or step
up to a better home and start again.. Kaboom! housing market goes flat,
houses are worth less than the mortgage is for, People can't make the monthly
payment after resetting, and the rest is history...Who's at fault? Democrats?
Republicans? Wall Street? Banks? They all are too some degree. No one is stepping
up to the plate and taking responsibility. They should all be shot! They all new better
and they were all greedy and now middle class Americans (and now the world) have to
take a bite of this shit sandwich. This is not the America that I grew up in, and
not the America that I have known for the past twenty years. So, I am opting out.
Not going to vote for Obama or McCain, nor any Democrat or Republican this cycle.
I'm pretty sure that Obama will win the election, so I will have 4 or 8 years of socialism,
and other assorted BS programs to contend with as they suck me and the rest of the
so called middle class dry with increased taxes. By the way, gold and gun sales are
at an all time high. Stay tuned, if there are runs on the Banks and that "bail out" money
has no effect, there could be a reaction. The revolution will not be televised!