5 pages Geoff, its going well
Yes, it’s interesting as a social experiment in that people like a good whinge but some old super 8 clips hardly raise an eyebrow.
Seems the general consensus though is that we should just suck it up and buy a yearly license, whether we use it or not, but personally I would want to know that I would be going to race at least 4 or 5 times a year in order to justify it.
I know that paperwork at events can be a pain, especially with dealing with license books but if the punters are considered a nuisance for the organizers then the $90 fee should solve the problem… one way or the other
I also note that no one picked up on my idea that Classic MX could/should run under the umbrella of the restricted race license.
The risk factor would be no worse than the fast fifties so MA shouldn’t suffer for it, after all, besides the National titles classic MX is nothing more than a club day.
It would be easier for the punters to justify it, therefore more people would probably buy it.
Not unlike when Vicroads made Classic Rego easier for the punters and now many more people are using it rather than doing something illegal.