tell you what will happen the two strokes will eat the four stokes unless you restirct port size/number i have seen this happen in bucket racing.take a look at there rules it may help.possibly on the post classic racing site.
Sorry Micks, I didnt realise
Unmodified meant opening up ports etc, How dumb am I
Ok Nathan, Yes I take your point, but this is where I believe that you guys get it all wrong (yes I'm going to take some crap for this) but what are you wanting this class for?? Nationals? Trophys? Competitive events? Bragging rights? The fun of it?
Simple words like "unmodified" bring a world of pain, despite their flawless intentions.
Strictly speaking, a different set of handlebars, or gearlever makes a bike modified.
Less anally, what about things like different mufflers or pod filters?
These bikes are going to be built from piles of parts just as often as not, so there needs to be lee-way."Unmodified" means just that Nathan, but yes Handlebars, gearshift levers etc because of breakages and worn out parts would be acceptable as in the second rule I mentioned, "Aftermarket parts to be equivalent, or as close as possible to OEM of pre75".
This would of cause apply to your airfilter as well (since you/everyone has the availibility to buy the foam and make your own).
The lee-way you talk of is the self governing/scrutneering.
This is the perfect class to leave the attitutes and protests at home. The more rules you write up the more people will want to push it to the letter of the law, or break them.
Let the
riders of these bikes self govern, (who in this forum would stop someone from riding their bike because a folding gear shift was on it?) and you will find that "Unmodified" will mean "Unmodified".
So far the talk of wheel sizes, altering frames, changing electrics, different pipes etc and this class may as well be a free for all to do what ever one wants.
I ask the question, what part of "Unmodified" is hard to understand??
For a hybrid bike; if the motor is unmodified, the geometry of the frame is unmodified, the suspension unmodified etc etc. Then you have an "Unmodified Hybrid" and since the first rule says pre75, then you can only use parts off an equivalent aged bike.
Isn't this simple enough??
For the people who wish to push the boundaries, then maybe this class isn't for you, maybe you should be racing modern bikes??