Author Topic: Do You Moto 100?  (Read 52302 times)

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Re: Do You Moto 100?
« Reply #90 on: June 20, 2008, 05:10:23 pm »
Okay Quicky and Col, an amendment to the rules.

Pre '70 includes
125cc 2 smokers
175cc foursmokers 

these are all just ideas ;)

 ;D ;D That could work although I no ghave idea what year my old zook is. Looks pre70 but may not be. How can I get a year for it Doc.


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Re: Do You Moto 100?
« Reply #91 on: June 20, 2008, 05:17:02 pm »
Quicky it's probably a '70 TC120 Cat but it could come under the follow on rule as it 'is' unchanged from the '69 model  ;)

Offline Nathan S

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Re: Do You Moto 100?
« Reply #92 on: June 20, 2008, 06:02:35 pm »
lets keep it really simple guys..too many rules already for what is supposed to be nothing more than a fun/novelty/family class! Stick with the

1975 cut off

up to 100cc 2 banger

up to 125cc 4 banger (NO overboring past 125cc)

No race fuels. Unleaded pump fuel only!

The bike must conform to the pre'75 suspension travel rules. 

Stock wheels/sizes. Alloy rims okay if same dia.

Frame must be a stock frame although modifications are permitted as are engine swaps etc.

Stock ignition must be used!

No internal rotor ignitons but lightened stock flywheels are okay.

and the one rule that everyone 'MUST' obey!!


Cheaters will be shot and protesters flogged so lets have fun!!

Sounds good. Some thoughts:

Maybe a limit of 19" front, 18" rear wheels would be the way to go? Some of those 'odd' tyre sizes are a bit hard to find nowdays... And 19" fronts can be had cheaply from ex-85cc racers, so that'd be high on my list of mods.

Frames... Do we want to stop people cutting off blinker mounts, or don't care?
I like Firko's original "no engine swap" rule, but think it could be a bit restrictive, seeing as so many bikes will be built from bits. Personally, I've got a heap of DT175A stuff, so I'd look at building a DT100 from one of them...
So I like Doc's "engine swaps are OK" rule, but I don't want to see it becoming a class for hybrids, either...

Maybe the answer is "Engine swaps are allowed only if the replacement engine bolts directly in place of the original" (or something similar).

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Re: Do You Moto 100?
« Reply #93 on: June 20, 2008, 07:05:13 pm »
SL125 Stock front is a 21 steel. The 100 has a 19 inch steel. Think last of the LT100 yammies (Rare as) ran a 21inch too basically only difference from prior models.
I may not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.

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Re: Do You Moto 100?
« Reply #94 on: June 20, 2008, 07:59:35 pm »
How many rules do you need to have what was termed "a trail bike class"  ::)

Pre75 100cc 2 stroke and pre75 125cc 4 stroke  Unmodified
Aftermarket parts to be equivalent, or as close as possible to OEM.
No mini's

Self governing/scrutneering

Unless you want this class to become a National Trophy, which I think would destoy the concept, then the less clauses to the rules the better.

Don't make up reasons for people to not want to ride/race, but make it easy and fun, the way it should be.

Or am I way of track??
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Offline micks

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Re: Do You Moto 100?
« Reply #95 on: June 20, 2008, 09:05:08 pm »
tell you what will happen the two strokes will eat the four stokes unless you restirct port size/number i have seen this happen in bucket racing.take a look at there rules it may help.possibly on the post classic racing site.

Offline Nathan S

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Re: Do You Moto 100?
« Reply #96 on: June 20, 2008, 09:11:19 pm »
Yes and No, DJ.

History has shown that 'open' regs work great at first, but its inevitable that people become overly  competitive and start moving the class away from its original purpose.

The road race buckets are a great example of this: Nowdays they're hotbeds of tricky/creative engineering, and have SFA to do with their original roots as a super-low cost, low stress form of road racing. While I think that a lot of what happens in buckets is cool, the fact remains that its a very different category to the one that was originally envisioned.

Ditto any number of car racing categories (particularly IPRA).

Similarly, I'm sure that a lot of things have crept into the mainstream VMX world that were never originally intended/desired.

So.... The rules need to strike a balance between being as simple and unimposing as we want, and keeping the 'bracket creep' at bay.

Simple words like "unmodified" bring a world of pain, despite their flawless intentions.
Strictly speaking, a different set of handlebars, or gearlever makes a bike modified.
Less anally, what about things like different mufflers or pod filters?
These bikes are going to be built from piles of parts just as often as not, so there needs to be lee-way.
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Re: Do You Moto 100?
« Reply #97 on: June 20, 2008, 09:16:17 pm »
Dont spose anyone has one of these Very very ugly things lying around do they?

 a bloke might be coerced into parting with some pennies to enter  this class if one was to be available.

Its ugly huh  so maybe worth a carton of hot VB  ;D

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Re: Do You Moto 100?
« Reply #98 on: June 20, 2008, 09:17:08 pm »
I like the way you think. I had wondered about whether a YG1 was pre-65 legal, but took too long to work it out and the bike got sold.

The good thing about telling the truth is that you don't have to remember what you said.

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Re: Do You Moto 100?
« Reply #99 on: June 20, 2008, 09:52:11 pm »
Your not quite correct with the bucket analogy Nathan, the reason new engines and capacities have come in is twofold. First and foremost racing wrecks engines that are never designed to race(finding the immediate weak point is catastrophic to), consequently people bought and hoarded all the bits they could (demand up supply down) Then some bright spark would find a bit from a different model that would bolt on and solve the current reliability problem.However that bike was not on the prescribed list and that make Timmy's illegal so off to the AGM so on and so on it would go...........Also there are several bikes that are still racing 20yrs later mind you they all go much faster, that's the whole idea of racing.
Second was 4T riders that when faced with a fast well tuned 2T immediately cried foul and demanded capacity increases, where by 2T riders demanded 125cc air cooled and ended up with 85cc water cooled and so on and so on...The more things change the more they stay the same.
I have no desire to 'race' one of these little shitters and I have a big shitter to race.I see some major flaws in the "must be pump fuel/standard ignition/exhaust port 70% of bore width/valve size XX inlet and YY Ex is whom is going to police all that?You might as well make it a free for all .I love to know when and where you'll be racing to....     
Jesus only loves two strokes

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Re: Do You Moto 100?
« Reply #100 on: June 20, 2008, 09:56:36 pm »
shit now i am going to have to find another bike >:(
i just sold a really good dt100 1974 original and running for $300
i was suprised how well it went :o
if i find any other little tacker bikes
will post on forum for what they cost to get ball rolling 8)
i cant believe i am typing this  nearly all my bikes are 500cc :o
follow me to first turn

Offline DJRacing

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Re: Do You Moto 100?
« Reply #101 on: June 20, 2008, 10:32:58 pm »
tell you what will happen the two strokes will eat the four stokes unless you restirct port size/number i have seen this happen in bucket racing.take a look at there rules it may help.possibly on the post classic racing site.

Sorry Micks, I didnt realise Unmodified meant opening up ports etc,  How dumb am I  ::)

Ok Nathan, Yes I take your point, but this is where I believe that you guys get it all wrong (yes I'm going to take some crap for this) but what are you wanting this class for?? Nationals? Trophys? Competitive events? Bragging rights? The fun of it?

Simple words like "unmodified" bring a world of pain, despite their flawless intentions.
Strictly speaking, a different set of handlebars, or gearlever makes a bike modified.
Less anally, what about things like different mufflers or pod filters?
These bikes are going to be built from piles of parts just as often as not, so there needs to be lee-way.

"Unmodified" means just that Nathan, but yes Handlebars, gearshift levers etc because of breakages and worn out parts would be acceptable as in the second rule I mentioned, "Aftermarket parts to be equivalent, or as close as possible to OEM of pre75".
This would of cause apply to your airfilter as well (since you/everyone has the availibility to buy the foam and make your own).
The lee-way you talk of is the self governing/scrutneering.
This is the perfect class to leave the attitutes and protests at home. The more rules you write up the more people will want to push it to the letter of the law, or break them.
Let the riders of these bikes self govern, (who in this forum would stop someone from riding their bike because a folding gear shift was on it?) and you will find that "Unmodified" will mean "Unmodified".

So far the talk of wheel sizes, altering frames, changing electrics, different pipes etc and this class may as well be a free for all to do what ever one wants.

I ask the question,  what part of "Unmodified" is hard to understand??

For a hybrid bike; if the motor is unmodified, the geometry of the frame is unmodified, the suspension unmodified etc etc.  Then you have an "Unmodified Hybrid" and since the first rule says pre75, then you can only use parts off an equivalent aged bike.

Isn't this simple enough??

For the people who wish to push the boundaries, then maybe this class isn't for you, maybe you should be racing modern bikes??

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Re: Do You Moto 100?
« Reply #102 on: June 20, 2008, 11:06:24 pm »
I'm with DJ on this. It's meant to be simple.
I understood the point of the 'Flies' class was to avoid the mega mods of the other VMX classes...the pushing of the boundaries for max performance - all the trick stuff etc.

What if we call it 'Dunger class'? Surely we can agree on what a dunger is...or not?
I've no sooner written this than I know it will be hosed down.

Whatever! I think 'the spirit' of this proposed class will be buzzing around at the back of the pack with like minded souls.
Look for me there.
"Whadaya mean it's too loud?! It's a f*ckin' race bike!! That pipe makes it go louder - and look faster!!"

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Re: Do You Moto 100?
« Reply #103 on: June 21, 2008, 01:42:21 am »
i think it's just all good bench racing fun fella's!
if the class gets up and running, it may well be different or changed after a twelve month go at it and a big old whoop-de-do to that.
step one, hit up our clubs for a novelty race featuring whatever piece of crap we think will qualify along the lines of what is discussed here.
step two, actually "have" the novelty race and see just what kind of feedback it gets.
step three, hang the prick thats got  the "hot" SL125
step four, handicap start the fast bikes
or something like that anyway...
perhaps if, when CD6 rolls around, everyone could flood the track with these old piles of rubbish in a non-competitive manner to showcase the beginning of a new VMX era.
"flat bickie"


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Re: Do You Moto 100?
« Reply #104 on: June 21, 2008, 03:28:46 am »
Wondering if there are any classes for Vintage (pre-75) 100's down under?  AHRMA runs a class for 100cc bikes with fat guys on them here in the U.S.  ;)

Here is a pic of my little MX100 I plan to race at the next event.  The fenders are cracked, but I have new ones to install this week.  I think I'm just a set of shocks away from making her scream for mercy.  ;D

Geez Red 8 pages later and there might be a class :D