A few years ago, we (Ray Ryan, Ken Smith, Firko, Don Newell, Averill Grayson, myself and others)tried to get a "VMX Riders Association" off the ground after a similar spate of discontent among the troops.
It was not intended to replace or pull out of MA, but give us a united voice on the major issues affecting our sphere of interest.
The idea was promoted for over a year, with information stands at two CDs, and two VMX Nats.
VMX Mag ran full ads and at least one article.
It was advertised and an editorial in ADB.
We were given the opportunity at many event briefings to state our case.
Letters and posters stating the aims of the Association went to every club invoved in VMX at that time.
Membership was $20 per year.
We considered we,d need at least 100 members to make a meaningfull representation if we were to be viable.
If everyone that applauded the concept, and pledged they would join did so we'd have been a goer.
Long story short, with less than 50 members after nearly two years we gave up, returned the membership fees to those who did join, and accepted that although there was a lot of talk, in reality apathy reigns.