I have long held the view that the Nationals should be held by MA as it's their champoinship and they have the paid personal to do it.
I don't agree, MA or SCBs should never run events including HBB. That is not their job, they are there to do the heavy lifting so the State Controlling Body's can support the clubs to run race meeting and I do mean Clubs.
Riders come and go, but it is strong clubs that are the most important part. They put up arrows & tape, do the paper work, keep score pull it all down and pick up the rubbish, for the riders. God knows when your doing all that it can sometimes feels like you don't have the support of SCB or the riders.
Now ask this question why do MA need to charge such a high permit fee to run a national? When I ask this question which is often, the answer I get from someone who would know, is. The states wont pay their share of the costs of running MA. So they put the cost on to the national permits. Easy for the states (It's not us, It's them) But their the same.
As for Simplicity and Bullshit. The world has moved on and the lawyers and Accountants. (Bullshit) have won.
End Rant