Nearly a forking month without a joke on here WTF
This is all to serious :'(
New South Africa
> A Canadian man decides he's had more than enough ice and snow, and he's
> going to migrate to a warmer climate. So he packs his possessions into his
> car, straps his skis to the roof, and decides to drive until someone asks
> him what his skis are. He figures that if people don't know what skis are,
> then there's little chance of it being as cold and miserable as Canada.
> So off he goes. He drives and drives... He drives the whole way through
> the
> States, right down through South America, and no-one asks him what his
> skis
> are. So he puts his car on a ship, and sails up to Asia. He drives right
> through Asia, Europe, and then down through Africa, but still no-one asks
> him what his skis are.
> Eventually he arrives at a petrol station outside Pietersburg, and the
> attendant asks him "Hey, Baas, what is that on your roof?" At long last -
> his quest is over, so in the next week he buys a house from a nice family
> who are emigrating to Australia. He writes home to his family, gives them
> his new address and tells them to sell everything and come and join him in
> Pietersburg.
> Unfortunately, with the SA postal system being what it is, it takes
> several
> months for the letter to arrive in Canada, but as soon as the family get
> it,
> they sell up everything and catch the first plane over to SA. However,
> when
> they arrive at the address given in the letter, the house is deserted.
> Everything which wasn't nailed down, (and quite a few things that were)
> have
> been stolen, and a family of squatters has taken up residence in the front
> garden.
> While the family are standing round looking lost and confused, they notice
> one of the neighbours enjoying a braai round the pool.
> They call the neighbour over (they can't walk up to him because of the
> electric fencing and the two Rottweilers) and ask him if he knows what has
> become of the Canadian who used to live next door.
> "Ag well, you see," says the neighbour, "he lived there for about a month,
> and then one day, he packed some stuff into his car and just drove off,
> and
> we haven't seen him since.
> And the strangest thing is, when he drove off, he had a black man strapped
> to the roof of his car."