Author Topic: Ghost Town?  (Read 13460 times)

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Offline motomaniac

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Re: Ghost Town?
« Reply #60 on: August 08, 2011, 11:48:28 pm »

Meaning? Are you saying that the people complaining have no grounds for complaint? Are you saying that it's OK to be continuously bullied and slagged for no reason?

Oh...I forgot, you thought Nimmo's attacks were funny.

I have never said I think Nimmo's attacks on anyone were funny. What I have said was "Come on 43, you obviously know the guy, and know him well. Yes he is probably all of the things you say. But he is also one of the funniest guys on here, along with Rudy.  He has a quick wit, a sharp tongue, a Shakespearean 'turn of phrase' and a great sense of humour." That is very different from condoning any personal attack be it couched in humour or not.

Where are all these mythical personal attacks? Some Guy calls Montesa's uncompetitive piles of junk and thats why they dont make them anymore .Nimmo defends his beloved Monties ,the other guy admits that his pissed and then suggests banning Nimmo and getting his brother to smash his face in at the next Viper round? WTF? Next met nothing happens except a few of the guys have a chuckle over it all. Then Nimmo gets some PM's threating the same at the next Round . What a joke!
As far as I remember he and Firko started not seing eye to eye when Firko came out with the brilliant statement that "victorians don't like to travel" also causing some laughter at the next met.Nimmo jumps in and the next thing everybody is going him for shit canning Conondale which he never did.He only pointed out that the scene down here is strong (was) and we have good tracks and dont need to travel.Whatever Vics are or have been well represented at interstate events as much as any other state.
What a joke .On the other hand when I first started checking the forum someone was slagging off at some guy from WA just before the Nats , who it was suggested should be exposed at the riders brief among other things.What an FN joke.
Since then more often than not if you post up something slightly contary to certain peoples views you get labeled as a smart arse, professor etc etc or worse accused of bullying.What a joke.
MX250 your Mum was SPOT ON!


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Re: Ghost Town?
« Reply #61 on: August 09, 2011, 09:30:36 am »


 He has a quick wit, a sharp tongue, a Shakespearean 'turn of phrase' and a great sense of humour."[/b][/i] That is very different from condoning any personal attack be it couched in humour or not.

I always thought he was an over emotional and more than easy to blow out of the water. But i am kind of missing him, like a cat misses his scratching pole.  ;D


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Re: Ghost Town?
« Reply #62 on: August 09, 2011, 09:57:42 am »
Where are all these mythical personal attacks? Some Guy calls Montesa's uncompetitive piles of junk and thats why they dont make them anymore .Nimmo defends his beloved Monties ,the other guy admits that his pissed and then suggests banning Nimmo and getting his brother to smash his face in at the next Viper round? WTF? Next met nothing happens except a few of the guys have a chuckle over it all. Then Nimmo gets some PM's threating the same at the next Round . What a joke!
As far as I remember he and Firko started not seing eye to eye when Firko came out with the brilliant statement that "victorians don't like to travel" also causing some laughter at the next met.Nimmo jumps in and the next thing everybody is going him for shit canning Conondale which he never did.He only pointed out that the scene down here is strong (was) and we have good tracks and dont need to travel.Whatever Vics are or have been well represented at interstate events as much as any other state.
What a joke .On the other hand when I first started checking the forum someone was slagging off at some guy from WA just before the Nats , who it was suggested should be exposed at the riders brief among other things.What an FN joke.
Since then more often than not if you post up something slightly contary to certain peoples views you get labeled as a smart arse, professor etc etc or worse accused of bullying.What a joke.
MX250 your Mum was SPOT ON!

+1 ;)
Looking for YZ250C parts NOS if possible

"My inability to use emoticins in the right context is really getting me down :)
The only triple jumps he would have been doing are the hop, skip & jump.

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Re: Ghost Town?
« Reply #63 on: August 09, 2011, 10:41:33 am »
5 pages of ghosts, scary  :o

scary worms

Offline vmx42

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Re: Ghost Town?
« Reply #64 on: August 09, 2011, 11:09:18 am »

Meaning? Are you saying that the people complaining have no grounds for complaint? Are you saying that it's OK to be continuously bullied and slagged for no reason?

Oh...I forgot, you thought Nimmo's attacks were funny.

I have never said I think Nimmo's attacks on anyone were funny. What I have said was "Come on 43, you obviously know the guy, and know him well. Yes he is probably all of the things you say. But he is also one of the funniest guys on here, along with Rudy.  He has a quick wit, a sharp tongue, a Shakespearean 'turn of phrase' and a great sense of humour." That is very different from condoning any personal attack be it couched in humour or not.

Where are all these mythical personal attacks? Some Guy calls Montesa's uncompetitive piles of junk and thats why they dont make them anymore .Nimmo defends his beloved Monties ,the other guy admits that his pissed and then suggests banning Nimmo and getting his brother to smash his face in at the next Viper round? WTF? Next met nothing happens except a few of the guys have a chuckle over it all. Then Nimmo gets some PM's threating the same at the next Round . What a joke!
As far as I remember he and Firko started not seing eye to eye when Firko came out with the brilliant statement that "victorians don't like to travel" also causing some laughter at the next met.Nimmo jumps in and the next thing everybody is going him for shit canning Conondale which he never did.He only pointed out that the scene down here is strong (was) and we have good tracks and dont need to travel.Whatever Vics are or have been well represented at interstate events as much as any other state.
What a joke .On the other hand when I first started checking the forum someone was slagging off at some guy from WA just before the Nats , who it was suggested should be exposed at the riders brief among other things.What an FN joke.
Since then more often than not if you post up something slightly contary to certain peoples views you get labeled as a smart arse, professor etc etc or worse accused of bullying.What a joke.
MX250 your Mum was SPOT ON!

He could have used his powers for Good, but instead he chose the other path…

Some Guy calls Montesa's uncompetitive piles of junk and thats why they dont make them anymore .Nimmo defends his beloved Monties

Not this old chestnut again. Get over it!!!
I never said that Montys were piles of uncompetitive junk - but I can't prove it because he deleted the thread.

I think what actually got up his nose was that I questioned his laughable assertion that Honda only purchased Montessa because they [Honda] were scared of the Montessa Watercooled Prototype.  ;D
« Last Edit: August 09, 2011, 11:13:22 am by vmx42 »
When a woman says "What?", it's not because she didn't hear you, she's giving you the chance to chance to change what you said.

Beam me up Scotty, no intelligent life down here…

"everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not to their own facts"

Offline firko

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Re: Ghost Town?
« Reply #65 on: August 09, 2011, 01:09:18 pm »
Before this sinks into another one of those shitfights that detract from the main focus here, I should try and put this to bed. I've been a bit precious and probably have overreacted to Graeme's post after I misread what he was trying to say (actually, I don't know what he was trying to say ???) so probably owe you an apology mate.

Motomaniac has perfect right to defend Mr Nimmo as a few have done for me. That's what mates are for.
There are a few points in Moto's post that I feel I should address. This is not a criticism of Motomaniac as I've never met him. It's just me putting my take on his 'accusations'.
Where are all these mythical personal attacks
I don't mind anyone having a shot at my opinions, my beliefs or even my bikes as long as they have a good counter argument. That's what good debate is. I draw the line however when the criticism becomes personal, using schoolboy inuendo and snickering to make fun of me personally. If Mr Nimmo hadn't removed all of his posts I too could spend a day going through them but it's now not possible. His  sniggering smart arse remarks at the 'good ol boys' and other childish stuff was just that, childish and while I didn't like it. I mainly put up with it. However when he renamed his account 'Faaarrrk' and used a photo of me as his avatar and [email protected] as his phony email contact, Nimmo had stooped to a new level of snide nastiness, setting up an account purely to lay shit on me. Previous to that, during a debate over the Chinese Metisses he'd posted an unflattering photo of me for no other reason than to try and embarrass me. He must have known that the shit would hit the fan because he not long after removed every post he'd made on the forum. What's that about?
Some Guy calls Montesa's uncompetitive piles of junk and thats why they dont make them anymore .Nimmo defends his beloved Monties ,
WTF? This situation has nothing to do with me. It was between another member and Nimmo. I challenge anybody to find any posts where I have criticised Montesas (bar a mild swipe at King Scorpions being heavy ;D). I even went in on Nimmo's side in that discussion by correcting a few errors in the other guy's assumptions on the downfall of Montesa. Having said that, Nimmo performed like a pork chop over one bloke having an opinion that he didn't like. Moto, I own and love Maicos, and they cop shit from all quarters almost weekly but I couldn't give a rats arse what others think about them. Nimmo's performance over Jeffs opinion said more about Nimmo the bloke than anything about Montesas.
the other guy admits that his pissed and then suggests banning Nimmo and getting his brother to smash his face in at the next Viper round? WTF? Next met nothing happens except a few of the guys have a chuckle over it all. Then Nimmo gets some PM's threating the same at the next Round . What a joke!
I think you're getting two people confused here and I'm not one of them. Nor did Jeff from the previous Montesa discussion. He and I had nothing to do with the above situation and I strongly disagreed with the action by that guy at the time, and still do. I abhor violence or even threatened violence and that situation was handled by Graeme by rightly banning the guy from the forum. I remind you had nothing to do with me or any of the 'good ol' boys'.
As far as I remember he and Firko started not seing eye to eye when Firko came out with the brilliant statement that "
Errrr, nope. The first time Mr Nimmo had a disagreement to my knowledge was way back in a thread that arose over David Hicks' release from Guantanamo Bay. A number of people including Nimmo criticised the Hicks release and as was my right I took another stand and reckoned that Hicks had been gaoled on trumped up charges and deserved to be released. Well..all hell broke loose and Nimmo went ballistic over this and when I replied (jokingly I might add) that he should calm down and possibly seek anger management therapy. That was it. Boom, crash Opera. He's hated me ever since.
victorians don't like to travel"
I barely remember that statement, perhaps some context would make it more relevent.
I think the statement was in regard to getting Victorians to travel to other states for big events or even Classic Dirt. In my years of running bigger events it was a fact that the majority of Victorians preferred to remain in their own state and pursue their own events. The statement wasn't referring to the amount of travelling you blokes do withing your own state following the series, it purely refers to travelling interstate.
Nimmo jumps in and the next thing everybody is going him for shit canning Conondale which he never did.
We'll beg to differ on that one. There are others on this forum who would argue the toss with you over that. Once again, you've got his side of the yarn but the reality was different. Others became involved and legal action became a possibility unless something was done. There was a lot of off forum action over this one so you'd be forgiven for not knowing the full context of the situation.
On the other hand when I first started checking the forum someone was slagging off at some guy from WA just before the Nats
Unless I'm mistaken ,you weren't at the Nats, don't know the situation so why comment? The bike is blatantly n incorrect by MA vintage MX rules because of its modified frame and other points but it got through scrutineering, causing concern from myself and others. This bike has caused controversy before and I was merely stating an opinion, as is my right.
Since then more often than not if you post up something slightly contary to certain peoples views you get labeled as a smart arse, professor etc etc or worse accused of bullying.What a joke.
Are you talking politics or general VMX stuff here? You often post controversial politically oriented posts that can often evoke a differing opinion. We're all different in our thoughts and beliefs and we're not always right in some peoples eyes, that's the way of the world. I don't think I personally have ever called you a smart arse, professor etc etc or worse accused you of bullying. I rarely enter into that stuff these days as my politics seems to be vastly to the left of many of you guys so I couldn't be bothered arguing the toss any more. I've been called names myself (commo, for one) and in that instance, couldn't care less. That stuff's not that important to me any more. As far as VMX issues, if I have personally done any of the above acusations towards you (which I doubt I have) I'm sorry.
Now let's get over this bullshit and move forward. There's been too much angst from both me and others that's done little good for this forum so let's move on, agree to disagree on some things and work together on the stuff we have in common.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2011, 01:22:55 pm by firko »
'68 Yamaha DT1 enduro, '69 Yamaha 'DT1 from Hell' '69 DT1'Dunger from Hell, '69 Cheney Yamaha 360, 70 Maico 350 (2 off), '68 Hindall Ducati 250, Hindall RT2MX, Hindall YZ250a , Cycle Factory RT2MX flat tracker, Yamaha 1T250J, Maico 250 trials, '71, Boyd and Stellings TM400, Shell OW72,750 Yamaha

Offline TeeBone

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Re: Ghost Town?
« Reply #66 on: August 09, 2011, 01:53:39 pm »
It wasn't until my late 20's that a somewhat dim light came on in the grey matter and I realised then, that there are people in the world who I piss off and people in the world that piss me off. Equilibrium! So, the balance stands and I move along merrily through life with a passion for motorcycling, in all of it's facets. I don't care if you ride a "shitter" cobbled together from assorted junk piles or have a 20K "works bike", I'll still chat to you about bikes! Sometimes I think we just seem to forget what it's all about...........
Destined to a life behind bars. A garage full of KTM's and a 73 CR 250M Honda....H7 250 Monty will be at Harrow!
A "never was" of the Nineties...

Offline AjayVMX

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Re: Ghost Town?
« Reply #67 on: August 09, 2011, 02:32:17 pm »
Wow!  I hadn't seen this thread until now and what a read...

Ah, I think things ARE for the better on the forum.  Even Doc is back apparently!

I think that going over the past with regard to the "dark period" is probably not a good idea however. Let us all "move foward"  ::)

Offline firko

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Re: Ghost Town?
« Reply #68 on: August 09, 2011, 02:48:52 pm »
I think that going over the past with regard to the "dark period" is probably not a good idea however. Let us all "move foward" 
Hallelujah Brother. The good guys are slowly coming back so it's best we forget 'the war' and rejoice in the new peace!
'68 Yamaha DT1 enduro, '69 Yamaha 'DT1 from Hell' '69 DT1'Dunger from Hell, '69 Cheney Yamaha 360, 70 Maico 350 (2 off), '68 Hindall Ducati 250, Hindall RT2MX, Hindall YZ250a , Cycle Factory RT2MX flat tracker, Yamaha 1T250J, Maico 250 trials, '71, Boyd and Stellings TM400, Shell OW72,750 Yamaha

Offline Hoony

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Re: Ghost Town?
« Reply #69 on: August 09, 2011, 09:07:42 pm »
It wasn't until my late 20's that a somewhat dim light came on in the grey matter and I realised then, that there are people in the world who I piss off and people in the world that piss me off. Equilibrium! So, the balance stands and I move along merrily through life with a passion for motorcycling, in all of it's facets. I don't care if you ride a "shitter" cobbled together from assorted junk piles or have a 20K "works bike", I'll still chat to you about bikes! Sometimes I think we just seem to forget what it's all about...........

good motto TeeBone and i totally agree mate. what's done is done, right or wrong its over.

way too much emotion guys on past events, build a double and jump over it.

sometimes it pays to wait a day if you get pissed off before you respond and re think it out.
Long time Honda Fan, but all bike nut in general, Big Bore 2 stroke fan.
1985 Honda CR500RF "Big Red"
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Offline motomaniac

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Re: Ghost Town?
« Reply #70 on: August 09, 2011, 09:56:25 pm »

Not this old chestnut again. Get over it!!!
I never said that Montys were piles of uncompetitive junk - but I can't prove it because he deleted the thread.

I think what actually got up his nose was that I questioned his laughable assertion that Honda only purchased Montessa because they [Honda] were scared of the Montessa Watercooled Prototype.  ;D

No not this "old chestnut" and nothing to get over. The reference was not too you and my qoute was accurate.I was referring to a more recent post. Did you also threaten to smash his teeth in?

Honda did buy Montesa because of the competiveness of their trials bike that was the best at the time.
What I like about VMX is all the different characters and their different passions for era's and makes of bikes.I don't dislike any of it and wouldn't laaugh at a fellow VMXers passion or his ideas unless its undermining someone elses. You loose on this one IMO.

As far as doing good , he does plenty of that .He's been attending the races with a Mate even though he cant ride at the moment and helping out at the events and enjoying the scene and the company despite getting threats of violence.
I first met him three years ago when I got back into racing VMX ,he was one of the first to compliment my bike , its not a Monty, and also complimented me at the end of the day on my riding after I beat him.He 's a top bloke and I made sure that I paid the compliment back when was giving just about all of us a lesson in riding the mud at Barrabool oneday.
If you dislike people with a passion who speak their mind and dont backdown or take shit from anyone then he is probably not your type.I'm fine with just how he is.

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Re: Ghost Town?
« Reply #71 on: August 09, 2011, 09:58:52 pm »
Where are all these mythical personal attacks? Some Guy calls Montesa's uncompetitive piles of junk and thats why they dont make them anymore .Nimmo defends his beloved Monties ,the other guy admits that his pissed and then suggests banning Nimmo and getting his brother to smash his face in at the next Viper round? WTF? Next met nothing happens except a few of the guys have a chuckle over it all. Then Nimmo gets some PM's threating the same at the next Round . What a joke!
As far as I remember he and Firko started not seing eye to eye when Firko came out with the brilliant statement that "victorians don't like to travel" also causing some laughter at the next met.Nimmo jumps in and the next thing everybody is going him for shit canning Conondale which he never did.He only pointed out that the scene down here is strong (was) and we have good tracks and dont need to travel.Whatever Vics are or have been well represented at interstate events as much as any other state.
What a joke .On the other hand when I first started checking the forum someone was slagging off at some guy from WA just before the Nats , who it was suggested should be exposed at the riders brief among other things.What an FN joke.
Since then more often than not if you post up something slightly contary to certain peoples views you get labeled as a smart arse, professor etc etc or worse accused of bullying.What a joke.
MX250 your Mum was SPOT ON!

+1 ;)
Thanks Mate, look forward to meeting you oneday.

Offline motomaniac

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Re: Ghost Town?
« Reply #72 on: August 09, 2011, 10:06:03 pm »
It wasn't until my late 20's that a somewhat dim light came on in the grey matter and I realised then, that there are people in the world who I piss off and people in the world that piss me off. Equilibrium! So, the balance stands and I move along merrily through life with a passion for motorcycling, in all of it's facets. I don't care if you ride a "shitter" cobbled together from assorted junk piles or have a 20K "works bike", I'll still chat to you about bikes! Sometimes I think we just seem to forget what it's all about...........

good motto TeeBone and i totally agree mate. what's done is done, right or wrong its over.

way too much emotion guys on past events, build a double and jump over it.

sometimes it pays to wait a day if you get pissed off before you respond and re think it out.

Yes good post TeeBone
Hoony this is not in the past.Nimmo is getting painted as evil etc,etc in his absence as well as threats of violence.
My post was to point out the hypocrisy and double standards here as well as back up a friend.

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Re: Ghost Town?
« Reply #73 on: August 09, 2011, 10:08:23 pm »
I mean it is easy to strut about in cyber space and be bully.... I get more than a little bothered about my mates like Firko having shit put on them. In fact pretty emotional .... these guys who stir people up have to remember that one day you may have to deal with people for real ..... big emotional New Zealand people.


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Re: Ghost Town?
« Reply #74 on: August 09, 2011, 10:10:16 pm »
ross is a good guy  .honest helpfull and passonate about his raceing and bikes and a sick sence off humour .tis a pity he carnt defend himself from continueing slaging ,but he probably doesnt give a fark anyway