MY understanding is its been granted to the title first approved. They cant wait just incase som other club decides to run an event or what time of year they pick. I think MA needs to start planing there calanders on a first in basis so dates can be locked in as far in advance as posible so people can get organised whilst not penalisinf any club that has put there hand up to take on an event, just because it has always been means nothing, look at the HBB and the Mx nats this year they were to close together, MA needs to stop letting dates be approved just becasue they are, then finding they clash with other events in the same month. Only smart calander approvals by one body should be made to ensure national and state events dont cross over and steal from each other, Time of year should also be based on the discipline and the weather - wet, fire bans and so on. You cant hold dates open for a period in the year just because another dicsipline might put in a submission to host it. I think its best they approve them and publish an online calander so all clubs can plan around them as they are approved by NCB and ScB