Just a question for ya's.
If for every $1.29 you put in the bank they gave you back $1.00 ( not extra or interest just a buck ) how long would you pursue that idea ?
What idea Mike?
Sorry Mick
Been away.
The idea that a return of $1.00 on a $1.29 outlay was sustainable or even feasible.
Now you may say " What the fu*k is he on about ? ".
Ethanol costs 129 units of energy to create 100 units of energy , according to the University Study I posted originally.
From an environmental point of view this is absolute madness and yet the Labor party in Qld have just mandated the sale of ethanol like NSW did.
If your bank gave that sort of return on your money you would run a mile.
Also just to muddy the waters more , the Qld Labor and the Qld Greens have stated that growing sugarcane is killing the environment ( Reef ).

( Disclaimer * The YOU mentioned in my rant is a generic term not referring to anyone alive or Ded )