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Messages - FTF#22

Pages: [1]
Vintage Track / Re: 2015 TBC
« on: January 18, 2015, 09:11:48 pm »
 Dave no one from our group of riders gave up a round because they were down on points. Only body injuries and  A mechanical problem. I was there.

Vintage Track / Re: 2015 TBC
« on: January 18, 2015, 02:09:53 pm »
       We just arrived back from TBC EVO had 3 rounds of riding
    1st   894  Steven Freiberg
    2nd    11  Darren Saxon
    3rd     31  John Kittle
     A hot day and very competitive riding.
   Bikes looked good. Tyre changing during the day.
   The track lost the oil slick surface as the day progressed.
   I think that Tyre choice again proved difficult for the riders.

Vintage Track / Re: Summertime work.
« on: December 08, 2014, 06:19:24 pm »
 Hey Pancho
 Good to see you working on your bike.
 I see you are getting into it. When yours is finished you can screw mine together if you want.
 Did you clean up your pipe yet ?

Vintage Track / Re: Best front tyre for deco?
« on: November 19, 2014, 10:10:39 pm »
 I have a Carlsbad up front and Michelin x11 at the rear.  I Have good fun and is shore footed on the track ask Pancho.
I was at Bathurst and a good number of bikes ran the same combo. I will ride with MAXXIS next year. Will just have to adjust riding style. I Will NOT put a TRIALS OR KNOBBY on a FRAMER US TRACKER STYLE BIKE.

Other Makes (CanAms, Coopers, etc) / Re: Rotax cam belts
« on: November 14, 2014, 07:35:01 pm »
Hi Husky500
I got mine on UK evil bay. Same as Harley 350 / 500. CCM 604 504. Good Insurance.
Yea I heard all the bad stories about not changing them.
So I changed Mine. I don't have to think of that now.

Vintage Track / Re: Flat tracker seat
« on: October 26, 2014, 09:26:05 pm »
    There are two ways to do this.
One as mentioned before is to Velcro seat to base. Three of my trackers are done that way. They don't move and can be removed easily. The Second way is like Saddelman Seats are done. There are RIVET NUTS in the Seat Pad and small bolts or screws come from under up into seat pad to hold to seat base.   Google RIVNUTS.

Vintage Track / Re: CPMCC Club Dirt Track 31st August @ Nepean
« on: September 02, 2014, 06:44:31 pm »
   I know how you feel Dave.
 I Have spent the week in bed with this FLEW. I thought I would be over it by Thursday. Was not to be and from what I hear. I have missed another good race meeting.

      Well done CPMCC.
I really enjoyed the racing.
The first turn off the start was a bit of a traffic jam in that race, I had to go around to get past. A great days racing.
 No get offs on the track all day.
There was an anxious moment in the staging area earlier on while wally warmed his bike up ready for his race. Apart from that it was smooth running.   

I can say that I have just picked up a part That left the US on a Promised THREE day Delivery. I tracked the parcel.
Friday 8.30 am 4/7/ 2014 Left SAN JOSE.
arrive 2.15 pm  6/7/2014 Customs SYD. DHL.
The parcel had to be ITEMISED AND COST OF EACH PIECE (because it was broken down to make the package smaller). To TOTAL the amount on the Shippers Bill. Before leaving CUSTOMS. Oh it had to be itemised by the sender not me.( the reason was it was packed by the sender not me )
I picked it up after paying nearly the cost of the item again in extras on 4/8/2014. I paid for the three week plus trip. Ha Ha.. 

Introductions / Re: NEW MEMBER SYDNEY
« on: June 25, 2014, 09:23:06 pm »
Hi cemotobull I have only been riding Nepean the last few years. I have done The Jack Daniels  Long tracks years ago with the old TWIN TRACKER CLASS.

Introductions / NEW MEMBER SYDNEY
« on: June 24, 2014, 08:59:17 pm »
 Hi I joined in the Vintage off road scene in 1993. I have been riding Dirt Track and I did ride MX in early days. MX is To hard on the body now. I enjoy riding and building bikes..
  I have a few Flat Trackers in Build. I have been following some of the Forum Topics for a few years now.
  I find them very informative.

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