That's the one DJ. Old timers disease has not set in as badly as I thought

. I'm good for a few more years yet. A great tip. It's probably in resto tips already, but if it isn't it should be. I have lost count of how many side covers that I've seen that are otherwise perfect with exhaust burns in them

Those pictures helped heaps thanks. We now know that Maiers are also dodgy. Still OK, but not quite there if you know what I mean.
It can't be THAT hard to produce a good plastic. From the research I have done the plastic itself costs about 20c. The mould costs about $5000. That's a lot of mudguards to sell before you get your money back

. I questioned wether there where that many YZ's left in the world. Although the front one does do a lot of years.
Never mind the search continues for a decent YZ plastic.
DJ - At least you aren't emotionally scarred by the stuff you've bought up until now

The search continues. Dunny lids are looking good

It's going to be funny when you can't buy a white dunny lid for love nor money

Buy shares in who ever makes then NOW !!!