OKay i have seen this bike.
I went over to have a look the other night. what you dont see in the pictures is alot. :'(
I took over a fist full of cash as was ready to deal, then as we kept haggling i noticed more and more. Im now of the opinion this bike is worth no more than $3k, and that is generous based on the price of the tank, rear wheel, left case and barrel and whats left of the orignal internals. Any more $ is just pure emotional content by the bidder.
The rest of the bike is held together with fencing wire and mostly bent broken parts including, but not limited to gutter bolts.
IF it was a 'A' model it would be worth more to me cause in my opinion a twin shock is easier to sort out, the fact this one had no more than a sping and no shock instill's even more doubt in my mind that it couldnt be refreshed without lotsa time and money, and then would owe you more than you could sell it for.
TO get $10K back it would have to be NOS NOS NOS. why cause you can get them still race ready for far less, and this one unless you replaced absolutley every think wouldnt even make nos and you would still be behind. MY gut feel is a fringe retirery will buy it thinking its an easy restore and his mates told him they go for heaps fixed up.
Here is a list of the most immiediate things i noticed and why i didnt push any harder, and in the end was happy to walk away.
For what its worth he has already been offerred $3500, but dont waste your time cause pushing as he is going to let the auction run.
IF you want to bid i strongly suggest you leave it to the last hour so you dont artificially pump up the Value during the week and im subtley saying here increase the oppertunity for dodgey bids. he did discuss his sale plans with me, after i stopped/dropped my interest.
any how things you might not notice in the photo's and should know when your deciding what its worth are. There are a lot of fixes and get runnings with bush mechanic here so take note as a min:
- Complete Front wheel is out of a DT or similar steel with the speedo drive
- Sliders are YZ but i couldnt see the taper on the tops so the inners may be other, one sticks like it has a bent rod so too
- somthing strange with the Tripples too they may be steel and the top plate looks lit it has a speedo mount so it may be part of that Dt repair
- handle bars, controls and cables are all totally rooted. BArs bend in on both sides alot ( like a choper ( she has taken lotsa hits) levers are all sorts and are bend, jammed or rooted, so too are the cables.
- Although Tank has correct strap its got a few knee dent and wouldnt come off with out a fight, supect twist in frame mounts.
- Frame has many rewelds by home welder, not limited to repairs or insergence to engine mounts, braces etc
- Previous home handy man also welding in 2 rear foot pegs plates into the rear arm and i say into. Also had a go and welded a side stand onto it.
- seat is just a peice of foam with about 3 rolls of black tape run around it to make a cover of sorts
- rear and front gaurds powder, cracked, rear is not correct and is zipped tied just under rail, front is just broken shit.
- rear hub is original. As in not matching the front Dt wheel
- There is no innner lining to the gaurd or airbox area it has a piecs of white plastic stopping the mud going up under the frame/seat
- Exhaust, well other than it oozing some kind of black tar along it lenght i suspect its cracked or split in a few places
- Electrics, well they seem to start at some point and end at another, my guess is its off somthing else as it patched all over the shop and the colours are wrong as the twisted mass comes out the stator cover also the Cdi usually on the front i couldnt find anywhere so you guess is as good as mine what the entire electrics is off.
- We couldn't get the bike to start, appart from the fact the kick start ( may also be off somthign else), kept falling off and was held on by more fencing wire it didnt feel that strong. im guesing all the shit onthe exhast is the chome bore deteriating and now the piston gap is so big the oil is just blowing by probally has for the last 6 years or so by the look of it.
- couldnt check the box as the selctor spin on the shaft, suspect one of both sets of teeth are stripped, cases have differant bolts including those Roof course thread gutter bolts, so im guessing its been apart, and if not those threads would all need helicoils, unless they are jamm in and split/crack held in
the clutch actuator cover is a broken Dt1, cracked and snapped off, had a chain through it, the engine was too oily and dirty for me to see if that had taken out any of the left case area, but to do what it has its likley. the cover and acutator isnt working so there is some money there.
- for some reason the right hand case looks differant to the left and not what i remeberr on my yz so its possible that one case is a Dt or similar fixer up, which then leads me to what clutch basket it has and what internals are still YZ in there. this guy wouldnt know, and i dint want to undo those interesting bolts to find out
- barrel and head are right but im prity confident you would need to put a new steel liner in, plus based on a the maintenace level of everything else and condition a full rod kit and bearing sets throughout the whole motor.
I could go on but i think you get my drift.
I have looked at 2 other B and and A recently and was taking arounfd the $5K and they were Race ready and then some, also that silver /black MAico in Syd that was on a few weeks back for $5.5 makes this look like a joke.
Im agreeing with MArcx or whowever it was up higher posting, for the same money you would get a much better bike and with less head forks. this bike is NOT any good for a resto unless for some mental reason must have a "B" in the first place and then just the cases and frame need to match cause thats about all you could salvage there. YOu would have to buy new or replace prity much everything :'(
Ive have been sleeping on this, going through it and for the life of me still cant see any value in anythign other than the tank, rear wheel, fork sliders and what can be salvage within the motor. I bought a fully rebuilt worked YZ 360 motor last week from the states for $1500Au, so i cant see the value is whats left even if i put $1000 on that plonker motor, the rest of the bits just dont add up to the balance of even $2.5 - 3K.
If this thing keeps going up any further from what i see is just pure emotional and some need for folks to say they own somthing or think collecting a set gets cred.. There is no tangible reason otherwise.
BAsically There are too many other good bikes out there in the $5K mark available right now, that are so much better value.
IF you have bid stop and think, even retract and have a go in the last hour, your just overinflating the worth, which is detrimental to every other one that comes up because they will all use this as some stupid Ebay referance ( my mate says it worth $10 cause one sold on ebay once) Stuff is only worth what someone is willing to pay, but think about what you are paying for and why are you paying that.
I cant be sure but i think this frame came up over 18 month ago on ebay i think from from murray bridge then disappeared of the radar, at the time i remember adam Scard going through all the wierd things but i cant find the thread ( could have been back in the turk period) which is why i thinking that right case is Dt1 cause that one had som weird thing going on with that and the frame under the tank where the top shock mount is. But im really only going on memory and a DeJa Vu here.
I give this one 3 roaches, based on the other ones i have physically seen in the last 3 months.