Author Topic: Somehow I don't think she will be called to give evidence  (Read 8337 times)

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Offline ba-02-xr

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Re: Somehow I don't think she will be called to give evidence
« Reply #15 on: May 22, 2009, 04:26:34 pm »
We have the same problem with our local papper stuffing up as well


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Re: Somehow I don't think she will be called to give evidence
« Reply #16 on: May 22, 2009, 07:34:24 pm »
Google the name Clare Werbeloff, I think I'm in love.

Offline geraldo

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Re: Somehow I don't think she will be called to give evidence
« Reply #17 on: May 23, 2009, 07:06:16 am »
interesting view Tim , name a country that treats their  minority peoples as well as NZ does  , I think one of the main reasons the average Kiwi views Maori's the way they do is the inequality of the way the different ethnic groups are treated - there are Maori only schools , places in university's for Moaris only etc etc etc - imagine if someone tried to start a whites only school !!!! . But in general I think white NZr's and Maori's mix well , we work , socialise , play sport together and intermarry.
interestingly I think the term WOG stands for "worthy oriental gentleman"  , the young lady in the video clip should have chosen her derogatary term more carefully , perhaps WOP or dago might have been more appropriate  ;D


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Re: Somehow I don't think she will be called to give evidence
« Reply #18 on: May 23, 2009, 01:14:46 pm »

Offline VMX247

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Re: Somehow I don't think she will be called to give evidence
« Reply #19 on: May 23, 2009, 01:45:37 pm »
Good to see you are eating some fibre, Doc  :D
Best is in the West !!


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Re: Somehow I don't think she will be called to give evidence
« Reply #20 on: May 23, 2009, 02:42:23 pm »
After reviewing the original thread video, I'm swaying towards thinking that Clare saw her chance for 15 minutes of fame and deliberately threw in as many politically incorrect quotes as she could fit into the grab. Methinks Clares a bit of a comedian who saw her opportunity. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw more of her. She's funny, cute and politically incorrect. TV will lover her!

On the racism issue, I think Tims right that we all hold some sort of bigotry. My biggest disapointment in my fellow human being is intolerance of others. I live in a working class suburb with a fair smattering of Pacific Islanders, middle eastern muslims and more recently an ever growing community of Somalian refugees. I have no problems with any of those people sharing my community and welcome them with no animosity. I find it great to see kids from all sorts of ethnic backgrounds playing together on the playground of the primary school close to my home, it's integration working in its purest sense.

Unfortunately something will happen during some of those kids teen years that will turn them into bitter, angry bigots. What causes those Australian born kids to turn into the ugly racist troublemakers that inspired the Cronulla riots and other incidents? What turned them from content Aussie kids into jive talking troublemakers who go out of their way to make trouble for us "Skips"? I worked for 20 years with a great Lebanese imigrant who often invited me into his home. I watched his kids grow into great little Aussies with the oldest boys becoming good rugby league players and embracing a normal Aussie lifestyle. I recently dropped by my friends house and saw how one of those kids turned into someone I didn't recognise any more. The two oldest boys Bekir and Nad were both good footballers but now only Bek still plays. While I was there Nad was laying shit on his brother for playing in a "100% skip team as the token wog" and going on about how his brother was "turning Skip, bro". I found myself hating this little prick and felt sorry for his brother for being made to feel as if he's let his race down. If these kids had been born in Lebanon during the sixties middle eastern war they may have some afinity to the Lebanese cause but these kids are born and bred in Toongabbie and don't even speak or read arabic. They're both Aussies but one has turned his back on that 'Australianism' and now has a distrust and hate of us "Skips' and "Kangaroo rooters". The two brothers even have different accents.

Why has this happened ? This is the attitude that prompted young kids of Lebanese heritage to enter into all sorts of gang activity against non middle eastern beach goers that prompted the Cronulla riots. I'm equally disgusted with the retaliation by the "Aussies" that day but understand the enviroment that inspired their action. What's causing these Aussie born kids to turn on the country that is theirs? Why is hate a more desirable emotion than love and respect for each others differences. As someone who has had no problem with any colour race or religion my whole life I find that the racism those Lebanese kids display against us has tainted my attitude and now I find myself biased against them. It's not their colour, race or religion, it's their attitude. I've never felt this way about any race or creed in my life and hate the fact that I've become something I always thought was wrong.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2009, 02:44:12 pm by firko »

Offline DJRacing

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Re: Somehow I don't think she will be called to give evidence
« Reply #21 on: May 23, 2009, 05:49:45 pm »
That Firko, is it in a nutshell. It is very hard to go past the race, religion thing, when its the 'attitude' you dislike, and I think most people feel that way.
Its true that what we think or have been brought up to believe is the correct way and its hard to understand other peoples thinkings and lifestyles but that is the differences that all races face.
I lived in Belfast NI and not having a religious bone in my body I couldnt for the life of me understand why they hated each other, since to me, they seemed to be in the same boat. It was explained to me by various people over there and I grew to have an understanding of the whole battle, but at the end of the day its all about money. What is the sad part is that whole generations over there have grown up never even meeting or getting to know someone from the other side of the fence. Hatred is a crazy thing.
Its the same thing all around the world, where ever you go people are putting down other races/religions whether its their birth place or adopted country.
Hate a person for what they stand for or have done by all means, but dont hate the race, colour or religion because the world is getting smaller and smaller.
Im not trying to be PC although it may seem like it, but to me the people who always like to throw the stones at others are always worse than the ones they are throwing the stones at.

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Offline lyle2212

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Re: Somehow I don't think she will be called to give evidence
« Reply #22 on: May 23, 2009, 08:07:36 pm »
I was working on a shutdown at Kernell oil refinery when the Cronulla riot happened. A lot of crew I was working with from the "Shire" left work early that day to go and "smash some Lebs". And let me tell you this about the hatred and pent up anger towards "Lebs"... it was not something that happened overnight.  As it was explained to me by a few of my work colleagues.."We have had a gutfull of these bloody lebs coming to Cronulla beach and calling all our women in bikinis, SLUTS." and generally berating them with other foul language...A lot of the crew I worked with were not young thugs but hard working family men, who were just fed up and wanted to do something about it....A day or two after the riot happened the Lebs drove into town, like rats in the night , and proceeded to smash up as many cars as they could, not to mention gang attack single Aussie males and stab them in the back.......Australians as a whole are a very tolerant race, but occasionly the pressure cooker will boil over.......

Offline maicomc490t

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Re: Somehow I don't think she will be called to give evidence
« Reply #23 on: May 23, 2009, 08:16:31 pm »
Sheesh, I leave South Africa to find the Kiwis are worse racists than the saffies and now this  ;D

I was somewhat floored by this comment in my response to that outspoken 'eye witness'. I did after all paraphrase (if somewhat conveniently) what she had said but let me say this.

With respect Tim, many Saffies have left their native South Africa and I am at a loss as to why if it is such a good place, or am I incorrect in making that assumption. I would have thought they would just live in harmony with their indigenous brothers and sisters and make the country prosper as opposed to emigrating to countries such as NZ or OZ (especially OZ where racism is rife)?

I too try and accomodate everyone that comes to this country but hold little favour for those who believe it is their God (or Allah) given right to screw it up. It is rarely the privileged areas that are exposed to the nonsense perpetrated by some of the more Neanderthal idiots we have in this country, rather the areas that join onto the suburbs where you simply don't go at night if you have fair hair etc.

We have known of soccer clubs and ref's threatened in car parks by the people I mentioned because the "skip" team beat the others fair and square. We have gangs modelled on the States with these guys picking on other kids be they Ă„ussie, Asian, Islander or whatever and beating the crap out of them - often so outnumbering the victim it is bullshit and very un-Australian!

When they come knocking on the doorstep of your leafy neighbourhoods revisit this subject.

All I want is the Australia I grew up in where the migrants that came here went out of the way to assimilate eg the Italians in Haberfield where we went for coffee today! I went to school and played with these "wogs" and saw many go on to become successful and ASSIMILATED Aussies who are proud to call this country theirs - a shame others just use the place for what they can get out of it!

If I can be accused of having selective racism so be it. One thing my old man and a host of others fought for was right of free speech and if I exercise that right too f...... bad if someone doesn't like it. This country is following others where minority trouble makers are embraced and protected by idiots who are never exposed to their nonsense. If you don't believe me drive down to Parramatta Westfield on Thursday night and see for yourself.

If certain groups are not a problem why has the politically correct Labour Govt of NSW endorsed the NSW Police having MIDDLE EASTERN and ASIAN crime squads ? They don't have Italian, Greek or dare I say it South African crime squads ??? Nor do you hear of very many handgun toting skippies but woe betide you if you have a road rage incident with one of our Middle Eastern friends as they may well be carrying a concealed firearm!

There are the good and bad in every community - it just seems some communities have either more bad than good or VERY ill deserved reputations that only THEY can fix.

I hold myself to comment gentlemen

Dave Mac  ;)

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Offline crash n bern

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Re: Somehow I don't think she will be called to give evidence
« Reply #24 on: May 23, 2009, 08:51:08 pm »
I think most social problems are caused by young, angry, testosterone fueled men, regardless of race, creed, religion or colour.
Some race or religions may be more prominent in these areas simply because of their culture or belief systems, which in turn makes the women put out less.

In simple terms the biggest trouble makers are the ones not getting laid. Which is why they got to the beach to look at near naked women. Sexual frustration takes over, as they have no outlet, they take it out on the women by name calling. A bitch is the girl who sleeps with everyone but you.


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Re: Somehow I don't think she will be called to give evidence
« Reply #25 on: May 23, 2009, 09:04:05 pm »
I thought she was a ho :P jeez I'm really behind the times but I do know something, we all bleed red ;)

Offline Wombat

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Re: Somehow I don't think she will be called to give evidence
« Reply #26 on: May 24, 2009, 09:53:30 am »
What would this topic come under - sex, religion or politics? The three subjects we're told never to discuss at parties.
Yeah, pigs arse. I reckon these three topics are debating gold and I think all three have rated a mention in the thread so far.
Three subjects I enjoy... but only in civilised company. Only if we can discuss without coming to blows. Only if we show tolerance for others opinions.

There are far too many great quotes from you people for me to insert here; and I find myself nodding in agreement as I read.
But this one from crash n bern sums it up for me:

...most social problems are caused by young, angry, testosterone fueled men, regardless of race, creed, religion or colour...

For the purposes of disclosure let me state I'm a blue eyed Aussie white fella of Anglo Saxon/Celtic origins - and I try hard not to be biased toward others.
I say 'try' coz like Firko I've listened to the vitriole about us 'Skips' and it's hard not to flare up at times like that.
And for our overseas forum friends let's clarify 'Skips' is a reference to skippy the kangaroo who I imagine you're familiar with.

Personally I'd rather live next door to decent living immigrant 'foreigners' of any colour than live next to some white, troublesome arsehole Aussie.
Because surely we all recognise arrogance and attitude and 'superiority' is not the trait of any particular ethnic group.
Nice people are nice people. And I have no idea what most of you forum members look like...
We're all like minded in our love of the old dirt bikes and we chat and generally get on well.

Are we all white on here? Dunno, and quite frankly it doesn't matter.
It's just a bunch of like minded people getting on. And that's how it should be across society.
"Whadaya mean it's too loud?! It's a f*ckin' race bike!! That pipe makes it go louder - and look faster!!"

Offline Nathan S

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Re: Somehow I don't think she will be called to give evidence
« Reply #27 on: May 24, 2009, 10:08:45 am »
One of my favourite quotes to use whenever race/racism is being discussed:

There's only two types of people that I don't like in this world:
1. Racists.
2. Lebs.

Really, we're all too eager to categorise people.

Eg: He's an arsehole and he's Lebanese, therfore we equal being Lebanese with being an arsehole.
Its the same with any other race, religion, gender, sexuality, age group, etc.

Personally, I know I'm guilty of ranting about those frikken Gen Ys - they're selfish, self obsessed, irresponsible, materialistic etc. Then I look at the Gen Ys I actually know, and individually, they don't fit that stereotype any better or worse than the members of any other generation.... In fact, my little sister is probably the least selfish, materialistic and most responsible person in my family despite the fact that she fits right in the middle of the Gen Y age group.

The good thing about telling the truth is that you don't have to remember what you said.


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Re: Somehow I don't think she will be called to give evidence
« Reply #28 on: May 24, 2009, 10:16:40 am »
After reviewing the original thread video, I'm swaying towards thinking that Clare saw her chance for 15 minutes of fame and deliberately threw in as many politically incorrect quotes as she could fit into the grab. Methinks Clares a bit of a comedian who saw her opportunity. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw more of her. She's funny, cute and politically incorrect. TV will lover her!
I told you so!...News this morning that it was all bullshit, she never saw the shooting and made it all up. She saw the camera and decided to have some fun.  Clare's already got a manager and booked for the Today Show tomorrow, A Current Affair on Monday night and a feature is ready to hit Who Weekly so my prediction of her being this weeks media love child may prove to be correct. Just wait for the Ralph centrefold and comedy spot on Rove. My mates daughter has even ordered the chika-boom t shirt online. ;D

Offline VMX247

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Re: Somehow I don't think she will be called to give evidence
« Reply #29 on: May 24, 2009, 10:37:47 am »
WOW this has been an eye opener thread-never realized it was so bad in the city.
Skip,roo rooter,all new too me.We only shoot em with a shot gun/22 for dog meat or claim insurance when you hit one in/on your vehicle.
Some of our kids in the country would be amazed at reading the above.  :o
How sad that they are this bored generation of pumped up hormone lads, :(  where are there parents.?
Hope they don't end up in parliament.

Best is in the West !!