Author Topic: General Dribble  (Read 13203 times)

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Offline vmx42

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Re: General Dribble
« Reply #30 on: February 16, 2009, 04:31:23 pm »
Hey Brad,
Couldn't agree more. It all gets a bit personal some times, and it is really disappointing when some members feel that leaving the forum is the only alternative. I love to read a well considered post expressed with passion but there have been some classic blues that have degenerated into personal slanging matches - but on the other side of the coin there have been some members have gone out of their way to be offended for no good reason.

To see a good example what drew me to OzVMX in the first place then take a look at this current thread [Welding Frames]:

It contains all the stuff I have come to know and love: A good initial question; some informed responses; a bit of a disagreement between two big lads [nothing too personal though]; some more great info ranging from boiler making - nuclear plant insights - expert advice from GMC - and a touch of humour - etc, etc, etc. The thing about posts like this is that members who might have no knowledge of the subject can dive in and ask a question without fear of retribution from some of the forum nazis.

For my 2 cents worth I don't think that adding additional clubrooms will help. I think that there is too many as it is and that could well be something to do with the problem as some members only see posts in the clubrooms that interest them and miss out on the other slightly off the wall stuff posted in other clubrooms.

Lastly, as for having a joke and taking the piss - it would be unAustralian [don't you love that expression] to even think of banning that kind of behaviour. Just have a laugh and move on.

Gotta go, issue #37 beckons.
When a woman says "What?", it's not because she didn't hear you, she's giving you the chance to chance to change what you said.

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Offline DJRacing

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Re: General Dribble
« Reply #31 on: February 16, 2009, 06:03:58 pm »
First off, I would like to say how great this forum is. The information and different perspectives on a subject is overwhelming. We are all very lucky to have the use of this 'TOOL' we call the forum, where we can ask questions, get answers, post photos and generally voice our own opinions on subjects as verying as "Decibels" to "Global financial crisis" to "Suzuki footpegs", and Graeme must be commended for allowing the whole forum to flow as it does.

Brad is correct on this one.
  The constant inane dribble by some 'posters/contributors??' leaves you wondering what they are talking about, or if they have even posted in the right thread or even in the right forum. Meandering or slightly "off topic" threads are one thing but out of the blue postings or personal attacks show no decorum and an inability to provide good information to a website/forum that is provided to us for no other reason than the love of old dirt bikes.

If we (all members) can look back at our last twenty postings and can honestly say that over 75% of them are actually worthy of being written then good on ya, but if that isnt the case then maybe you should ask yourself if you are contributing or not? Even the great opinionated battles that have appeared in here(this forum) have alot more substance, (which ever side of the fence you are on), than the tripe that has of late been posted up. Show some respect to yourselves if you are one of the few who are posting up shit because this forum is better than that and deserves to be treated that way, if not at least for the members then at least for the vmx movement.
  Even us Kiwi's like a good joke and as always the jibes and banter between our two countries will continue, and as stated in a previous posting, it would be unAustralian not to be able to have some fun along the way and that is what makes this forum one of (if not) the best.

Good on ya Brad for having the balls to post this topic up,  as I have met some very cool people through this forum, which helped me make the decision to travel to various events in your country to meet them the people behind the names, and all top blokes at that.

Dont let this forum become a Turkish Hackers Turkey.

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Re: General Dribble
« Reply #32 on: February 16, 2009, 06:28:42 pm »
Why dont the forum police just name the names of those that are ok by them to post on this forum. How easy is that. The can of worms is open so come on guys, speak up.

Offline VMX247

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Re: General Dribble
« Reply #33 on: February 16, 2009, 07:05:02 pm »
And then there is MIRACLES.   :-*
Welcome Back TO OZVMX  ;D
Best is in the West !!


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Re: General Dribble
« Reply #34 on: February 16, 2009, 07:54:31 pm »
Thanks for the replies guys. Fantastic stuff.
 I put my jatz crackers on the line i felt, but the want for a forum that will thrive is what its about.I live for this shit! My biggest worry was people i consider friends would be offended. Like i said, i am part of the problem. And again, no one has asked for good humour to cease, it makes the world go 'round!

Why dont the forum police just name the names of those that are ok by them to post on this forum. How easy is that. The can of worms is open so come on guys, speak up.
Nothing like that is needed or ever implied mate.

MMMMh Brad , do I get my day in court  before you lay claims ?  ??? ::) :-\
No time like the present.

All Things 414

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Re: General Dribble
« Reply #35 on: February 16, 2009, 08:02:19 pm »
I agree firko , there are too many old folks with axes to grind, the same accusers are the culprits, then going on about the same stuff, post after post, after post, dropping the same names, the same bikes, how great it was in my day, and who i once knew, now know and whos in or out of the club,  the same pictures of my mates bikes for the umptenth time, its been done to death. 

Spelling and uniformity has its place when your paid to do it or if im buying a magazine, in conversation, im happy with all you bad spellers, gramically challenged and non chest beating participants, more power to you !  Its because of your posts it fill's in the colour to the otherwise black and white mundane posts that as reality would have it, you can only talk about in the past tense or the past so many ways, and how great that maico was, blah blah.

if you think about it if folks only wanted bland info we could all just post up a PDf libary of our manuals, all the info is there somewhere, but what a boring, useless forum this would be, how bout those folks just go and sit quietly in there VMX libary's and enjoy the solitude.

Dispite what the Fat controllers say - Post what you like, its what breathes fire into the forum and makes it to coin a phase the "pub" it is.

Just keep the dribble off your chin.  PS if the forum had a spell checker id use it !  maybe graham can add it in  ;D

I'm with Freaky on this 'un!
There's a real "Good 'ol boys" faction to the forum. Lots of back slapping and tsk tsking at the rest of us for not fitting the "norm" sometimes.

As I've pointed out earlier in this thread. We can be having a bit of fun down on the Monty page and get jumped on by (and I'll abreviate here) one OTGOB's because they think we're talking shite as was the case with my big supprise thread there the other month. Yeah the thread was going all over the place but none of the usual's cared much until the chest thumpers deemed that it wasn't in the best interests of the forum. Sadly I deleted the whole thing but I'm wishing I didn't!
Or just basically slagging off about what floats my boat.
I find cars about the most boring subject on the planet (second only to push-bikes (yawn))and NOTHING to do with vintage motocross but who am I to get on that thread and say "come on fella's. You've had your fun. Back to talking about TM 125 gear ratios...."

I'd be the first one to tell me to fug my own fist!

So enough of the girly whingy whineing. Those that aren't happy go to the IT forum as I've heard they run a pretty tight ship over there........
* And another fuggin' thing. I thought Motocrossers were a pretty hard, white knuckle, do ya wanna rumble type brigade especially in our day. What a super sensitive bunch of cryers we seem to have evolved into!!  >:(
Maybe this is how Pre 90 will end up.
"Oh excuse me for putting my wheel in front of you going into that first turn "old Chap"
"Yes I should think so you Nasty Person, I'm off to tell Mother"....etc, etc....

« Last Edit: February 16, 2009, 08:22:49 pm by 390 Ross »

Offline VMX247

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Re: General Dribble
« Reply #36 on: February 16, 2009, 08:16:27 pm »
I don't give a rats if they name me...  8)
I been on here for three years (before turk attack) and I'm not moven ;D
Best is in the West !!

Offline Tim754

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Re: General Dribble
« Reply #37 on: February 16, 2009, 08:26:43 pm »
Yawn       Tim754 = Tim Derrick , Elmore Victoria.  Regular shite poster but sometimes helpful I hope! (anyone care to back up this loser??)  Yep I have been "outed" by me   again..  ;)
PS I suppose I am one of the tisk tisk Good Ol, Boys club members too.... Because If it was made after 1980 my interest does wain exponentially.  ;)
I may not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.

Offline paul

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Re: General Dribble
« Reply #38 on: February 16, 2009, 08:29:04 pm »

All Things 414

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Re: General Dribble
« Reply #39 on: February 16, 2009, 08:34:02 pm »
Nothing to do with year of manufacture Tim. More to do with geography.......


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Re: General Dribble
« Reply #40 on: February 16, 2009, 08:41:50 pm »
I don't have a problem with you at all Walter, so lets get that straight. I think its fantastic that you and YSS are behind the vintage movement. I have bought from you and when i get my shit together i will be sending the dampening rods to you for the PD valves.
I had a problem with the posts of 'Hornet' (which have now disappeared ) as they were not constructive or funny let alone make any sense to me. The bad part for me is i know who 'Hornet ' was, which i felt was trying to undermine (imo) a serious discussion.Funny and contributing is a good thing.Its not what Hornet was doing . You have asked for your day in court. Please explain so there are no miss understandings.

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Re: General Dribble
« Reply #41 on: February 16, 2009, 08:53:08 pm »
Yeah, I will back you up Tim, you are a shite poster ;D ;D ;D
Thankfully you’re also friendly & quite helpful.

I don't believe this thread was meant to be about naming names or banning wit, comedy or hijacks.

I have seen a few posts of late that don't seem to be any of these, nor are they informative or insightful.
I'm not offended by them, I just want the same drugs that these guys are on ;D

Reading people rattle on about who they knew or where & what they rode I find just as interesting as the tech posts.
I also like to check out this site for it's info on events, the sharp wit a lot of guys seem to have & the views on a wide range of topics.

I would like to encourage some of the lookers to open up & write more often.
If your nervous about what you write then one trick I some times use is to type things up in a word document, you can use the spell checker that way but you can also edit a story over a few days or what ever until you have in text what you had in your head.

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Re: General Dribble
« Reply #42 on: February 16, 2009, 09:28:15 pm »
To answer your original post before you edited it to something different, no , i am not talking dribble and yes i am serious. I get it now, you want me to drop it .

Offline Wombat

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Re: General Dribble
« Reply #43 on: February 16, 2009, 09:39:35 pm »
See. Doc's back.  ;) Life goes on....... :)

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :D :D EXCELLENT!! and I'm glad to see he hasn't changed his 'handle'.
Here's some nice motorsport tits to celebrate the event!
Not random tits... they're MOTORSPORT TITS so it's kind of OK in a thread called 'General Dribble'.
"Whadaya mean it's too loud?! It's a f*ckin' race bike!! That pipe makes it go louder - and look faster!!"

Offline Tim754

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Re: General Dribble
« Reply #44 on: February 16, 2009, 09:43:21 pm »
Arrrr  "Nothing to do with year of manufacture Tim. More to do with geography......." That  has lost me a bit, Ross Please would you be kind enough to explain? Tim754
I may not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.