Author Topic: General Dribble  (Read 13204 times)

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Re: General Dribble
« Reply #45 on: February 16, 2009, 09:51:32 pm »
Hmmmm , Hmmmm , the world hasnt changed much . Just a new thread .


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Re: General Dribble
« Reply #46 on: February 16, 2009, 09:55:42 pm »
If I think someone's posts are neither constructive, funny or dont make any sense to me or maybe I dont find them informative or insightful (like this one maybe) what now.

I know, 1000mg, 1000mg fish oil and a zantac. Nighty night.

A piss poor weak attempt at humor I know.


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Re: General Dribble
« Reply #47 on: February 16, 2009, 10:57:05 pm »
"Nothing to do with year of manufacture Tim. More to do with geography
As Pauline Hanson once said..."Please Explain". I'm saddened that you don't like cars, pushies, Good Old Boys or me Ross but the Good Old Boys and I will survive.  8)

All Things 414

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Re: General Dribble
« Reply #48 on: February 17, 2009, 06:29:16 am »
I didn't say I didn't like you Firko.  ;). As Walter says, assumption is the Mother of all fork-ups. I get really pissed off by the The Good 'Ol Boys who have to come running to your (apparent) defence whenever they feel that you've been slighted!
And by the geography thing, I've noticed that most of TGOB's are north of the border.......


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Re: General Dribble
« Reply #49 on: February 17, 2009, 08:13:41 am »
This post isn't about me or my friends Ross, it's about inanity and dumb postings. You can jump to Freakys defence just like "the good old boys" supposedly do for me but in doing that you've backed the concensus of this post. In my time on this forum I've endevoured to pass on what knowledge and experience I've picked up over the years by answering questions with as much clarity or accuracy as I can. I've tried to make this forum a better place. Sometimes I get it wrong, other times my temper goes off and I end up in a shitfight I never wanted to, but mostly I think my posts have been informative. Can you say that Ross? Go back over your 71 pages of posts and see if you can find something, anything, that has educated or informed us or made the forum a better place? I wasted a half hour doing just that and found 71 pages of inane crap.
I'll also ask the question that's on everybodys lips........Why the red writing? It's annoying and draws even more attention you your empty blatherings.

Thank you and good night. :-*


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Re: General Dribble
« Reply #50 on: February 17, 2009, 09:03:52 am »
Well done Brad for raising the subject , probably what pisses me off the most is the withdrawn postings . There are a couple of posters who post comments and then remove them after others have replied therefore losing the continuity of the thread.
Graeme has enough to do to maitaining this site , but i would like the option to withdraw postings removed (exept by webmaster) and a one chance only to edit postings .

Happy to be named if i am an inane poster , i cant change if you dont tell me  :)

Cheers William Doe AKA TM Bill Taupo New Zealand
« Last Edit: February 17, 2009, 09:44:08 am by TM BILL »

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Re: General Dribble
« Reply #51 on: February 17, 2009, 09:09:21 am »
Well done Brad for raising the subject , probably what pisses me off the most is the withdrawn postings . There are a couple of posters who post comments and then remove them after others have replied therefore losing the continuity of the thread.
Graeme has enough to do to maitaining this site , but i would like the option to withdraw postings removed (exept by webmaster) and a one chance only to edit postings .

Happy to be named if i am an inane poster , i cant change if you dont tell me  :)

Cheers William Doe AKA TM Bill Taupo New Zealand

Totally agree Bill.

Happy to be named if i am an inane poster , i cant change if you dont tell me  :)
DJRacing Don Jamison Wanganui New Zealand
If at first you dont succeed, give up and drink beer


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Re: General Dribble
« Reply #52 on: February 17, 2009, 09:17:05 am »
I'm sick of all the crap and making enemies from people I have not met simply because of misunderstanding and non comprehension of the typed word. All I have to say is make the most of the forum because you don't realize what you have until it's gone. Let's not wreck the best vmx forum on the net simply because we don't all agree  ;)

All Things 414

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Re: General Dribble
« Reply #53 on: February 17, 2009, 09:35:48 am »
I thought someone of your supeior knowledge would have clicked a long time ago Firko.
Montesa red.  :D
Maybe you can get Graeme to withdraw the colour bar as well.....
Oh yeah. Ross Nimmo, Ballarat, blah, blah.....

Also name dropping is just 'fame by association'
And that's very sad.....
« Last Edit: February 17, 2009, 09:39:56 am by 390 Ross »


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Re: General Dribble
« Reply #54 on: February 17, 2009, 10:04:58 am »
Now it all comes out. I'm an arsehole because I happen to know people?
Because I happened to have lived within this industry since I was 18 years old I've made a lot of friends, some famous others not so. My associations with these people often came about because of work so thinking those experiences may be interesting to the forum population, I relate them. They're real, they happened the people are my friends and I've got nothing to defend over my telling their and my stories. You come accross as a very bitter man Ross. I'm sure you're not like that in real life but your rubbing shit at me goes way back so I obviously get under your skin. What a shame we can't find a common ground.

Seeing that Docs back, he can take my place on the bench. I'll leave you to carry on with your hilarious exchanges with Paul without me to upset you with my name dropping and yarns. I've been intending to drop out of the forum for quite a while so you've just pressed the right button at the right time.
Thanks to the forum members that have become dear friends, thanks for the great information that I've learned from the many experts this forum has unearthed and thanks most of all to the "good old boys" from the Klub and elsewhere that have supported me even when I didn't really deserve it. Unfortunaltely I'm not enjoying this any more. The lunatics have indeed taken over the asylum and I'm too apathetic to care any more. Here's to another 71 pages of one liner inanity Ross. All the best with it.
Thank you all, I'm out of here.

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Re: General Dribble
« Reply #55 on: February 17, 2009, 10:32:21 am »
Let this thread go now please. There is absolutely nothing good coming from it. We should all just "agree to disgree" on some things. I think this is just the sought of thing Brad was alluding to, pages of stuff with little or no reference to the original thread, "in jokes" between members which the rest of us have no idea about, personal attacks and bickering between members. Good humor is one thing and there's nothing better than a laugh with mates, but this has gone way too far.

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Re: General Dribble
« Reply #56 on: February 17, 2009, 11:18:46 am »
this is my first post on here :o
and firko i think you should think about it more
there are lots of people who use this forum
who go to you or wait for a response on a certain
bike or model as you have a wide range of knowledge
coming from the era of early dirt bikes through too now in aus and us
and i agree with K totally yeah we can joke a bit with our mates
but the forum is set up for information for people on vmx bikes
and that is the basis of it there is a mix of older racers
and newer racers which is why we have a forum
for information and chasing parts and making new friends in vmx etc
remember we all have the same interest VMX 
follow me to first turn


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Re: General Dribble
« Reply #57 on: February 17, 2009, 12:35:54 pm »
If its me that caused all this , I shall disapear for good  , but please  090  , be more carefull when you  mention names , get your facts right before you shoot off  ;)   Ciao  from Anette  ( in Taralgon my friends jokingly call me " Hornet " short for horny Anette. I will be at the Bonanza in Broadford , see you there.


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Re: General Dribble
« Reply #58 on: February 17, 2009, 12:59:12 pm »
If its me that caused all this , I shall disapear for good  , but please  090  , be more carefull when you  mention names , get your facts right before you shoot off  ;)   Ciao  from Anette  ( in Taralgon my friends jokingly call me " Hornet " short for horny Anette. I will be at the Bonanza in Broadford , see you there.

Hornet if indeed you are Anette from Taralgon why not stay registered and post a pic or too of your 74 KX 125.
It is widely believed that you are another persona to a forum regular ( Not Walter ), if that is so then you really are a SAD BASTARD  ::) if not then you have been unfairly treated and should reconsider your decision to leave the forum.

You own (acording to your intro )a fairly rare and to some desirable pre 75 125 bike , that would be cool to share with the forum members.

Its bad enough that long time members have recently left the forum, without new members retiring before posting anything constructive .
If you are who you say you are come back and share the KX  :)
« Last Edit: February 17, 2009, 01:11:53 pm by TM BILL »

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Re: General Dribble
« Reply #59 on: February 17, 2009, 01:34:19 pm »
You can jump to Freakys defence just like "the good old boys" supposedly do for me

Whats that all about ? Why does my name always get dragged into your post when you get pissed off, No ones defending anything from me, he's speaking his own mind.

Not only is it sad that you wasted half an hour researching someone else posts to prove some half arsed point ( which you didnt really), your time would have been better spent, If you read back your own posts and you wont need to go back 71 pages just start at your first post on this topic......... its a shitful post.  
Largely annoyed by two or three major posters and their childish behaviour. I'm not going to out them but they're readily identifiable by their poor grammar, abysmal spelling and lack of anything informative or sensible to say. Having said that those same blokes can build a good, well structured and informative post when they really try. They have no excuse for poor grammar or spelling or for posting an entire post in upper case, there's no excuse for the rubbish we've had to put up with from these blokes.

What possible good could have come from that and how was it providing professional imput as you so claim "educated or informed us or made the forum a better place?",  you where obviously just being a smart arse for no positive reason and i think probally dumping shit.   Respect is a two way street.  

Walter, im taking a stab in the dark but im sure there were others around in 74, all isnt lost, how about you ask them to come to the forum,  Like everything in life - everything has a life, people come and go, forums run hot and cold, this is just a moment in time, tomorrow this will be less important than it was yesterday, this so called "shit' is what lifes all about, without indifferance and grumblings we would all be driving holdens and riding malvern stars.  

Being able to get choices and opinions out there creates new spin off's it fuels new fires, burns new passions, with out it stuff just just dies. Like so many clubs that just did what they always did , and run by the same 3 old fella's doing it the same way as they always have, thats the way you kill any sport, you need to get the ecclectic mix into it, like them or not its what fires up and motivates ALL members to action.

This is just part of the evolution of the Forum, the evolution of everything.  When the racing starts again, the topics will get back onto racing and resto's as they always do.  This is just idle time.  What really is there much to talk about ATM, we have covered everything from finacials to pegs, if we dont have any posts what the hell do you come into read ? you cant get fruit with out the tree, its not a freakin library with only the specific info you need about your long lost 71 Maico, its a smorgesborg of information and opinion.  

IF this page didnt run for 5 pages already what the hell would everyone would have been doing  ? feeding the dog, fixing the gutters, you should be thankful you got somting to read, ever been on a forum that gets a post once a week ? try it its not even worth logging into.  

Spelling and grammer, who cares, you get the point its a conversation, it flows it reacts, its alive, you dont listen to every thing in earshot do you FFS stop being so anal people.

LEt the forum be alive and breathe,  move on, its all part of the Fun. :)
« Last Edit: February 18, 2009, 03:33:15 pm by Freakshow »
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