Author Topic: The humble 250 Maico  (Read 30116 times)

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Offline JC

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Re: The humble 250 Maico
« Reply #60 on: October 06, 2008, 09:42:13 am »
Gents, I checked the area of EX manifold vs EX port again & need to make a correction; the area of the manifold is about the SAME as the area of the Export (both approx 15.2cm2) That makes a lot more sense. (Thankfully I didn't make the same error in the time-area calcs which all still as they're listed above.)

Following up Geoff's post above, it would be useful to know if the top ring on a Magnum piston is any lower on the piston than the earlier 250 pistons (early ones had dykes ring that was almost flush w the top of the piston).

Does anybody know?

Offline bingil 6

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Re: The humble 250 Maico
« Reply #61 on: October 06, 2008, 12:42:11 pm »
Well Lads after seeing my old 75 250 featured in the current issue of VMX I thought I'd throw my two bobs worth in on this thread, I would never confess to be the most experenced rider kicking around or one of the quickest either but after campaining that old girl for a number of years up here in Nth Qld in pre 78 250 & open classes plus the accational evo events I found it more than adequite, With me in the right frame of mind & the bike prep done properly we would be up the pointy end against guys who I consider better riders than me & on later model bikes with a better reputation ,we did go on to win a couple of events, So as long as the timing was set right & the carb set up properly I cant see why they cop so much flack, The trick I think is to leave the brain on the trailer roll the eyes back and ride it like a 125 (ring it's neck) they are a lovely bike to ride in my opinion & I would love another Cheers Lou

Offline midway200

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Re: The humble 250 Maico
« Reply #62 on: October 06, 2008, 07:12:39 pm »

reply to paul,jc,t250k,on this.  measured my 250 barrel with magnum piston.
ex port=47mill diam
in port=37mill diam
top of gudgeon to top of piston =33mill
ring is 2mill from top of piston
i think we are getting confused here. do not have 326 any more... sold whole bike to vic saccottio to add to his pre 75 collection here in s.a.  the vintage scene has died a little here since we hava all gotten older but it would be nice to still have a ride sometimes.  back to the 250 barrel, head,and piston,does anyone want to buy it. the specs are as above, the piston and bore has done about  1 hour and a few marks on top of piston as i mentioned previously

Offline JC

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Re: The humble 250 Maico
« Reply #63 on: October 15, 2008, 12:57:38 pm »
Thanks Midway.

Thats the same deck ht as for earlier radial-fin engines, but the top ring is lower which would mean one could retard the TRs (& EX) & advance the IN timing by machining some off the base of the cylinder if one so desired (to correct the time-areas) & used a Magnum piston. Of course the head would have to be adjusted to suit. My guess is thats exactly what Keith did on your barrell/head Midway. Would be interesting to know yr cylinder ht Midway; base-gasket to top of sleeve.

Having spent considerable time over the w/end poring over 2 pre75 barrels (73 & 74), its hard not to conclude that Maico should be ashamed of themselves for this engine as delivered. The quality control & attention to detail is atrocious.

In port heights it seems they were content w 1mm variance from side to side.
In port widths (esp TR) there is an incredible 2mm variance one side to the other!!
On the 74 barrell almost every port is diff in size to the equivalent on the other side.

No wonder the factory riders were said to search for a "good" barrell to start with!

As bad as that is, perhaps the biggest stuff-up is the design of the boost port & its effect on the IN area. Because of the angle, the effective area of the boost port as it enters the cylinder above the piston is 2cmx1cm (ie 2 sq-cm) on the 73 barrell. But the hole in the back of the piston is 2cm dia (ie 3.14sq-cm), necessitating the boost port casting intrude considerably (to put it mildly) into the IN tract & port area.

Had they made the boost hole in the piston 2cm wide x 1cm deep, they would have had a matching 2sq-cm area & more importantly been able to make the boost port casting intrude 1cm LESS into the top of the IN port. That would have given an extra 2.5sq-cm of IN port area (cos of the size of the boost port casting) which it desperately needs.

Also, the IN tract simply splays outward once it comes to the boost port casting (which is 3cm wide) which further reduces cross-sectional area as the charge enters the crankcase. There is no attempt to even keep a constant cross-section of the inlet tract, let alone a 10-15% larger one.  Lewo tells me there was some attempt to correct this on the AW barrells, but I don't have the dimensions to know if they corrected it sufficiently.

The unneccessarily large boost port casting simply strangles the engine (esp 73/74) at the point of entry. If nowhere else, it desperately needs work in that area. (And a suitable pipe, as per earlier posts)

As a friend (& owner of one) suggested, it would almost be worth making a new sleeve for this engine to correct its inherent design faults. Then wack on a decent pipe (GMC?) & have a hoot of a time racing perhaps the best-handling VMXer out there - at last w the performance to match maybe.

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Re: The humble 250 Maico
« Reply #64 on: November 04, 2008, 12:41:28 pm »

Lewo sent me the weight of his LIGHTENED Maico crank. For what its worth, I weighed some others for comparison - & listed them below w their dia:

                     Wt(kg)    Dia (mm)

Maico 250        4.2         122
TY250/DT360    3.8         118
DT/MX250         3.0        110
Bul 250 (75)      3.0        106
VR/V75 250       2.6        100

Remember that Maico weight is already lightened "about 10%"

Offline Maico-Mac

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Re: The humble 250 Maico
« Reply #65 on: January 26, 2014, 05:04:50 am »
Very old thread, but why starting a new one when I've just one remark to make .....

If you want the 250 to rev higher and vibrate less, take the lighter crank (3.7Kg) of the models from 1978-81.
It fits with some effort with the case and a new adapter for the ignition. I've used in my 1970 Square:
