Author Topic: May Viper round at Ravenswood cancelled.  (Read 34952 times)

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Re: May Viper round at Ravenswood cancelled.
« Reply #45 on: April 24, 2015, 05:04:40 pm »
So ~ 110 from the Echo Valley event didnt attend Ravenswood & ~ 50 from Ravenswood didnt attent Echo Valley. It would now be good to identify the reasons why, not to target anyone person/s or group, but see if there are reasons or concerns that effect the numbers which may be addressed in the future ;)
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Re: May Viper round at Ravenswood cancelled.
« Reply #46 on: April 24, 2015, 06:19:32 pm »
Personally, I think a lot of club level riders are put off by the word "racing" because being a national event, we all assume that the field will be littered with young guns on dads million dollar bike and that the racing will become a bit too serious for our liking. 

Nothing could be further from the truth as we all (mostly) know. Not many young guns are interested in racing old bikes against older riders. Us oldies aren't much competition (yes, there are a few exceptions) the bikes can be a pain to keep going at times (which detracts from facebook time) and there is no chance of securing a factory ride from BSA......Or Maico....

I think cost is another major factor. Not only the time off work, accommodation and fuel etc, but the cost of racing itself.

I couldn't justify the expense of spending the money to race 1 bike for 3 races over 2 days. Ok, maybe 5 races if I include age racing. Something in the race format needs to change as I'm sure there are a lot of punters who only have 1 eligible bike for a national event and to sit around for most of day 1 to have 2 races is not very inviting. It's even worse on day 2 where you only get 1 race.

Just my thoughts.....
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Offline Ted

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Re: May Viper round at Ravenswood cancelled.
« Reply #47 on: April 24, 2015, 06:49:53 pm »
Ted, no blame game, just saying if we can establish why the big two didn't support this year we are well on the way to finding a solution.

Hi Col,
         I am only putting this on here to create transparency

The big two I assume are HEAVEN VMX and QVMX.

This I am addressing to you Col and you only for comment seeing as you asked me why the poor attendance from the above listed clubs. After seeking permission from committee members from both clubs here are the reasons:

( 1 ) Absolutely no written ruling on Evolution eligibility from the governing body MA

Rationale : Basically Col nobody knew what was officially acceptable for this class. Enough said on this already.

( 2 ) No camping in the pits

Rationale: Huge mistake. Absolutely nothing learnt from the failed Lakes Nats two years ago. People want to camp with their bikes and have all of their infrastructure in place, not packing up each arvo and moving it to another location on-site or even worse move off-site to sleep and work on bikes.

( 3 ) No race duration on Supp Regs

Rationale: People were very suspicious about what they would get for their money. Surely after hearing numerous complaints about running 6 minute Australian Title races there should have been clear and concise time limits for each race listed.

( 4 ) No showers

Rationale: Holding what is effectively a three day meeting without showers at this level of competition is unfathomable.

This is a true account of the reasons by the majority of each club why they didn't attend. I have not added any personal reasons or named any names other than the governing body charged to oversee these events. Source of information....HEAVEN VMX and QVMX

Now you have the reasons I feel it is time to make solutions that work.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2015, 07:00:40 pm by Ted »
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Re: May Viper round at Ravenswood cancelled.
« Reply #48 on: April 24, 2015, 08:50:33 pm »
I basically agree with what you have said Ted.

No showers I can live with there are good portable hot showers you can set up I have Coleman one. The doubt about things was a big factor

The Victorians need to ask could we of had a better roll up of local riders. I don't mind only getting limited races with one bike.

Viper need to ask themselves did we do enough.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2015, 08:52:14 pm by KTM47 »

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Re: May Viper round at Ravenswood cancelled.
« Reply #49 on: April 24, 2015, 10:12:15 pm »
Work to promote within your state ,within your club and with in your community  :)
Best is in the West !!

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Re: May Viper round at Ravenswood cancelled.
« Reply #50 on: April 24, 2015, 11:06:19 pm »
Camping in the pits was allowed,
                                                  this included riding your bike to and from the track at walking pace.
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Re: May Viper round at Ravenswood cancelled.
« Reply #51 on: April 24, 2015, 11:52:11 pm »
Sorry this is sooooooooo long ::)

Firstly Ted is not speaking on behalf of Heaven VMX (sorry Ted) but has conversed with many including at least one Heaven Committee member (me) for feedback.

This is my personal take on the situation and not an official Heaven VMX position. My name is Greg Scriven current Heaven VMX Club Secretary. This is posted as constructive input.

I think we all owe Bendigo a massive thanks for putting their hands up and then carrying it through even though they must have been aware that it was going to be a financial loss.

As Heaven VMX has been named it is probably best if I put a view (this will be my only post)

1) We have not commented on this thread as it was not any of our business quite frankly. It does seem extreme that the Bendigo Club should hold Viper responsible unless there are other issues in play we are not aware of. But that is best dealt with between those clubs. We certainly will not be commenting further.

2) When Lakes Club in NSW attempted the Post Classics a few years ago it was in cooperation with Heaven VMX club. We approached Lakes who were keen to have a National event at their track.
      a) We had several meetings and there was a strategic plan mapped out with responsibilities given to Heaven VMX which were well in hand when the event was 
      b) The event was completely ready to go but very early on the Lakes Club indicated that there was a minimum entry threshold.
      c) Lakes have a lot of experience with National and State title events. They are a very professional club who a highly regarded in NSW.
      d) The Lakes club gave the event their very best shot and invested in promoting the event and had sponsors in place but were not prepared to run the event at a loss and face sponsors who felt short changed by seeing very low entries. They even had the track re-licenced for sidecars.
      e)They cancelled the event shortly after close of entry just as they indicated they would.
      f) Lakes club still lost thousands of dollars but moved to minimise the loss.

3) Some behind the scene rumours are circulating in Chinese whispers that Heaven VMX somehow conspired to discourage members from entering the 2015 titles. We know the sources and propogators but what is the point of pursuing it. This is a complete and utter fabrication and is school yard crap, Heaven VMX has not and would not discourage members from attending any meeting they wished to attend. We are just a VMX club and just try to run fun and entertaining race meetings for our members.

4) As for possible reasons for the low entry here are a few thoughts from feedback from members. This is not laying blame or suggesting anything just some observations and putting a view.

      a)The demographics of the riders in the Classic Titles and Post Classics are different. There are many more ‘empty nesters’ in the Classic riders. Riders with younger families may not be nearly as keen to spend a few thousand dollars of the family budget and using up holidays attending a VMX title in the current economic situation.

      b)The Supp Regs where out very late and just lacked any real details about what riders were signing up for. Many people looked at a 26 grid and then found nothing about qualifying in the Sup Regs (as it turned out it was not needed, unfortunately). Look at a rider with a Pre85 250cc only. They could travel all the way for 2 laps of practice and either not qualify from that or have one qualifier race, get taken out in a corner and the weekend is over. As outlined above what was in the Supp Regs was not what actually happened was significantly different ?? Is this good?

      c) In the Classic titles Pre60, Pre65, Pre70 & Pre75 can all ride in the age races so the majority of riders get an age race. The Post Classics ages races are EVO only which mean more than half the riders get only one class for a bike.

      d) So few age classes make championship level. The age races either need to go to all powers instead of 125, 250, 500 OR the age groups need to cascade. This means instead of <30(do we need <30yo age race?), 30-39, 40-49, 50-59,60+ and 70+ maybe  it should be <30, 30+, 40+, 50+, 60+ & 65+(Super senior). Super senior should stands alone. If 60+ 250cc only has 5 entries they cascade to 50+ 250cc etc etc surely it would be better for a 61yo to race in the 50+ title event (the 60+ can still be scored separately if desired) than just race 4 other guys for nothing except a plastic cup 900Km from home!!! Whatever we do with age races we need more riders to race in class that make title status. Personally I would rather cascade age groups than race all powers.

      e) Camping is a big issue. Heaven VMX only use tracks where camping is allowed. All circuits except one have hot showers. The one that does not has a club nearby that riders can use. Please don't bring up Lakes re: camping as there are a few camping sites but they could not be used at the titles, just let it go.

       f) Promotion of the event was none existent our club received no flyers or entry forms or any other information. QVMX were active in this area leading up to the 2014 Nationals and so was Lakes the year before.

       g) The EVO rules where a factor. No point in discussing that as it has been done to death and people voted with their feet or in this case their drum braked, air cooled and none linkage suspension bikes. Unfortunately Bendigo club naturally were unaware of this. It has to be said that I do not believe it was the major problem but it was a factor.

       h) Holding the event one week after BBB was a negative not a positive. travelling to BBB and then hanging around a week is just not really an option. it uses up a heap of peoples budget, holidays and good will from their families. Possible the Titles first then BBB would have been better. I believe there were more Heaven VMX members at BBB than the titles.

       i) I guess 70-80% of VMX riders have no real interest in the Nationals. Feedback from Heaven members after the Lakes failure was along the lines of why should we go to Lakes for three days, pay a few hundred dollars and get a few races when we can pay $60 at a Heaven meet, Rider for 3hrs Saturday get 4 races each bike on Sunday. That there is the nutshell.

5) The Classic and Post Classics need to continue to be split as it is just too large for one meeting and almost impossible to get a track suitable for Pre60 – Pre90. The resurgence of Pre60, Pre65 & Pre70 is reason enough for the split as far as I am concerned. The fact that the two biggest classes (EVO and Pre85) fail at National level is the real issue. Pre90 was pleasingly larger this year I believe?

The possibility of a facility with two circuits could be an option. Like Conondale or Broadford and I’m sure there are others.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2015, 12:12:01 am by HeavenVMX »

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Re: May Viper round at Ravenswood cancelled.
« Reply #52 on: April 24, 2015, 11:56:56 pm »
well put.
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Offline KTM47

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Re: May Viper round at Ravenswood cancelled.
« Reply #53 on: April 25, 2015, 06:51:42 am »
I agree with Greg

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Re: May Viper round at Ravenswood cancelled.
« Reply #54 on: April 25, 2015, 07:34:51 am »
Well said Greg.

No finger pointing, no school yard rumours and none of the "it's my way or the highway" ranting.

The big point you make for me is the lack of promotion. It has been a thorn in my side for as long as I can remember. Who should take up the slack in promotion? I personally think it should be from the controlling body (ies). They make money from our race licences, track permits, rider levies and on it goes. They should give something back.
Lets say, for the sake of outlining a workable plan, that the host club formulates the supp regs and while they're at it, make up a poster type prototype to send in with the supp regs. Then, while MA approves and distributes the supp regs they can spend a little extra coin on distributing the posters to ALL registered clubs and even out to MC shops etc.... And I am talking in print format. It's not good enough to say "we had it available on our website" Not everybody searches the net for what is on and where, let alone visit the MA website.
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Re: May Viper round at Ravenswood cancelled.
« Reply #55 on: April 25, 2015, 08:15:47 am »
I think it's all down to the mighty $ people just have not got the money to travel long distances when they get the same race time at there own clubs ,also I think fellas just want to ride there bikes have some FUN and a beer at the end of a good days racing (just my thoughts)

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Re: May Viper round at Ravenswood cancelled.
« Reply #56 on: April 25, 2015, 08:34:32 am »
Camping in the pits was allowed,
                                                  this included riding your bike to and from the track at walking pace.

Unfortunately for the host club this is not what was written in the Supp Regs.

NO CAMPING IN THE PITS was written in the Supp Regs prior to and leading all the way up to the event.

I think it's all down to the mighty $ people just have not got the money to travel long distances when they get the same race time at there own clubs ,also I think fellas just want to ride there bikes have some FUN and a beer at the end of a good days racing (just my thoughts)

They travelled to Port Augusta. They travelled to QMP. They travelled to Echo Valley.

If the product is good people will travel
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Re: May Viper round at Ravenswood cancelled.
« Reply #57 on: April 25, 2015, 09:00:39 am »
Well Ted Heaven has made it clear you are not their spokesman and brief conversation with a Qvmx committee member suggests not for them either. Maybe you've canvassed a lot of people, but so have I. I support any club or individual who has the courage and commitment to take on these projects, made much more difficult by the negativity poured out by a few leading up to each Nats in recent years.
Each point you made has been refuted by a post since last night. the only common issue seems to be promotion. Yes down on previous efforts, but isn't it up to the VMX community to also spread the word. Everyone involved in the sport would have known about Bendigo. These are not commercial promoters. They are doing their best to give us riding opportunities.
As for beating the rules drum, time to give that a rest. Rules were the same as for Toowoomba, and obviously the entrants for Bendigo understand as there was no problem at scrutineering.
That you are still hammering the "laps" issue is a nonsence. It has not been an issue amongst the riders, and surely harping on about numbers of laps is only relevant if lap distance, difficulty/roughness of terrain etc is also considered
Over and out

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Re: May Viper round at Ravenswood cancelled.
« Reply #58 on: April 25, 2015, 10:19:11 am »
Well said Greg.

No finger pointing, no school yard rumours and none of the "it's my way or the highway" ranting.

The big point you make for me is the lack of promotion. It has been a thorn in my side for as long as I can remember. Who should take up the slack in promotion? I personally think it should be from the controlling body (ies). They make money from our race licences, track permits, rider levies and on it goes. They should give something back.
Lets say, for the sake of outlining a workable plan, that the host club formulates the supp regs and while they're at it, make up a poster type prototype to send in with the supp regs. Then, while MA approves and distributes the supp regs they can spend a little extra coin on distributing the posters to ALL registered clubs and even out to MC shops etc.... And I am talking in print format. It's not good enough to say "we had it available on our website" Not everybody searches the net for what is on and where, let alone visit the MA website.

Part of what you are saying is reasonable RE MA If a promoter/club sends MA the information I'm sure they would put it on their website, but they have to be supplied the info.  As for them distributing flyers to everyone come on get real.  Classic/Post Classic MX is just one of many disciplines they can't be expected to do it all.  If you want something done you have to do it yourself, but I'm sure MA will assist if asked.

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Re: May Viper round at Ravenswood cancelled.
« Reply #59 on: April 25, 2015, 10:35:27 am »
Well Ted Heaven has made it clear you are not their spokesman and brief conversation with a Qvmx committee member suggests not for them either. Maybe you've canvassed a lot of people, but so have I. I support any club or individual who has the courage and commitment to take on these projects, made much more difficult by the negativity poured out by a few leading up to each Nats in recent years.
Each point you made has been refuted by a post since last night. the only common issue seems to be promotion. Yes down on previous efforts, but isn't it up to the VMX community to also spread the word. Everyone involved in the sport would have known about Bendigo. These are not commercial promoters. They are doing their best to give us riding opportunities.
As for beating the rules drum, time to give that a rest. Rules were the same as for Toowoomba, and obviously the entrants for Bendigo understand as there was no problem at scrutineering.
That you are still hammering the "laps" issue is a nonsence. It has not been an issue amongst the riders, and surely harping on about numbers of laps is only relevant if lap distance, difficulty/roughness of terrain etc is also considered
Over and out

OK lets all blame Ted now.

I also pointed out the lap problem and pointed out that Toowoomba started with 12 minute (6 laps) and 10 minute (5 laps) races which came back to 5 & 4 laps still more than this year.  There was also ten minutes practice for each class which was used as qualifying for the forty gates (if needed).

I don't think Ted said he was speaking for Heaven or QVMX.  Also Greg said the same in his post.

But lets keep doing the Australian thing, (it's not my fault it's someone elses, who can I sue)

It's time to stop this all.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2015, 11:09:45 am by KTM47 »

1999 KTM 200, 1976/77 KTM 400,1981 Maico 490