Hi Guys,
I don't get to involved in commenting on the forum although I do enjoy reading peoples posts. I was disappointed when I saw that there was no 4 stroke class at the Conondale Classic this year as I have travelled from Cairns every year to ride at Conondale for either the Thumper Nats, Aust Vets Championships, all Classic Dirt events and the Conondale Classics.
I have made the 4000km round trip from Cairns over 15 times and I really don't see the big deal with the 4 strokes having a class on their own. And yes, I own and race both types. I was one of those 22 - 4 stroke riders who were on the line at the Conondale Classic last year ( I was the old slow fart on the only TT600 on the track which I had fully restored at considerable expense).
The only people who seem to be complaining about it are people who only race 2 strokes, people seem to be forgetting about the fact it should all be about old blokes(generally) out there having a blast riding old bikes, so who gives a shit if it's 2 stroke or 4 stroke and really there are bigger issues in life to worry about than if a few blokes want to ride underpowered, over weight vintage 4 strokes in a specific class..... remember guys it's all about getting out there and having fun and playing nicely together both on and off the track.
I'm not interested in getting into arguments with anybody over my thoughts and comments, let's just all ride our bikes and have fun together - it all sounds a bit serious to me.......