As EA and I are officiating at the Kings and Queens of Canberra this weekend, EA is the Steward, we have to be on top of any rule changes. sooooo, here's my take on the rear sprocket chainguard rule.
Ther is NO mention of a rear sprocket chainguard in the CDT/MX rules, however, in the DT rules there is, GCR
Geezers, where does that leave us ??.
If a rider was competing, on a Classic bike, in a class other than a Classic class, the Unlimited for example, a rear sprocket guard would have to be fitted, however in a Classic class, it would not.
Nice one MA !!
The Rules are interpreted by the official concerned on the day, so really it's up to the way the COC reads it and then the Steward if it's not sorted by the COC.
Don't even mention the online GCRs to EA, we have tried to get a hard copy from MA and MNSW, the answer, "your club will print one for you", does that not smack of MA devolving costs to the Clubs ?, The bean counters win again.
Darylene, from the ACTMCC has done just that for EA, got a copy professionally printed and bound, thanks heaps
Aaaah well, we'll go to Canberra and get a dose of Dirt Track, watch all the young'uns and the rest of the lads enjoying some skids, I guess that's what it's all about, for us anyway, see ya there ??
Foss and EA