I dont want to be a smart arse but the general consensus seems to be that the rule is outdated and not what the masses want . Instead of trying to find proof to comply with whats written why not get whats written modified to suit what the people want
Im a simple person and i cannot understand why it seems so difficult to get a rule changed if thats what the licence holders want .
I was on the MX commision for MNZ for some years ,i know smaller operation etc etc but we looked after all MX & Supercross things for the kids through to the top level , not just one facet of the sport . When the paying licence holders felt a rule was not in their best interest or outdated they approached the commission (us )either directly or through their club . We then looked at what they wanted changed and asked others in the sport what they felt .If it was the general consensus that it should be changed we took it to the annual MNZ conference and got it rubber stamped . The next rule book would show the new rule and everybody was happy
As commissioners we were representatives of the licence holders and were appointed due to our experience in the sport .
I don't know how your system works but i would imagine it must be fairly similar
I also have a reasonable understanding of the MA Commission system. I know how the MX/SX Commission works. The system is sometimes influenced by other parties, not just the riders, clubs and SCBs.
Although I have raced Classic MX on and off for probably ten years I haven't really got involved in the politics (until now). I have looked at the rules and there are a lot of things that can be better. There also seems to be a lot of people with their own agendas and stubborn views. Really what probably needs to change is the wording that says "The only exception to this GCR is where the model remains unaltered after this date" I believe if there is only a slight change that there needs to be a way to approve the machine.
Also I believe everything can't be put in the rule book. Maybe there needs to be an appendix stating what is acceptable. This appendix can be up-dated on the run. There needs to be a process that permits the Classic MX & DT Commission to clarify things and then put it in writing, so it isn't left up to individual scrutineers to decide, from meeting to meeting.
Also is everyone working from the current MOMS?
One major problem, like track standards, is that rules are open to interpretation.