I've been hearing murmurs, figured it would be best to come out and ask:
From the very first Vinduro, eligibility hasn't been a big issue - I haven't been to a single Vinduro where there hasn't been at least one bike that's too new for the pre-85 cut-off.
While the events are non-competitive, the numbers of rule benders low, and the degree of rule bending has also been low, it's been easy to ignore.
Personally, I think this has worked well*, and is one of the good points of the Vinduro scene - it avoids the petty squabbling over the rule book that plagues the VMX world.
How does VERi plan to address this issue into to the future?
Is there any movement toward allowing pre-90 bikes to participate in Vinduros?
http://www.iphoneogram.com/p/481212843641881443_300072127*In the interests of full disclosure: I have ridden an '86 model bike at one Vinduro, but only after my '84 model broke down.