You dont have to buy "bling" bits, my KX250A5 that I'm in the process of doing has had 2012 CR450 pegs, springs, pins and brackets (they have alloy frames and use a bolt on steel bracket) fitted to it. I know that they will not fail and will last many years. Too me its a no brainer.....its about safety....not dollars. Wether you spend $1000 or $10'000 doing a bike you are going to ride/race....whats a $150?.....gee, some people smoke and drink way more than that in a week. And big Scotty, try it, you might like it. Remember, these bikes where never meant to last this long and most guys are way heavier than back in the day and the reflexes/fittnes/riding ability is not what it used to my opinion they also spread the weight better on your foot not to mention the better gripping ability.