I have no idea how all these "rule" type discussions always turn in to a state versus state, mate versus mate slanging match.
I don't believe the suggestion of a submission to look at perhaps altering the rules was one mans attempt to qualify his bike! It was all about NOT HAVING TO MODIFY A STANDARD BIKE. How the hell can riding a STANDARD BIKE be called cheating is all I am agreeing with!
And quoting here
" So Vics and NSW'S are loosers and are wingging (is that the same as flying?) and VMXers who don't race are tossers and should be seen but not heard ?
and who is living in the darkages? run it by me again plz"
I really do take offence at being called a looser because of where I live and a Tosser because I haven't raced the last couple of Nats! Pardon me for being injured.
Maybe if I was such a tosser I wouldn't have volunteered my time, money and bike to marshall while you "Racers" get to have all the fun! I really enjoy sitting out in the pissin rain or dust watching other people have fun........
If only we were all as good as you! Thanks for demonstrating just how tiny your mind really is and how much (very little) you appreciate people taking the time to try and better OUR sport. I bet you're the type who has to be somewhere "NOW" whenever YOUR club needs help?
And I thought riding/racing old was meant to be for fun and not so full on?? I'm thinking that racing moderns isn't all that competitive afterall. I know when I was racing National enduro and MX series, there was none of this BS. Everyone was there for the fun of it and some guys (and girls) were faster than others.
Would it be a sin to suggest that those that are so serious about racing 30y/o bikes have a "PRO" only event where us "whingers" won't interfer in their sport!
Last time I looked, us "clubbies" make up the majority of all clubs......