Author Topic: Classic Dirt 7  (Read 37407 times)

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Re: Classic Dirt 7
« Reply #75 on: June 16, 2010, 09:35:45 am »
Spent 3 days there, just blows me away what I didnt see when you look at the photos!

Offline VMX247

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Re: Classic Dirt 7
« Reply #76 on: June 16, 2010, 10:23:54 am »,6668.0.html

Very impressive the Blue Jock.
Lost the boss for a while when we where over in far camp area, he was in the Blue area ,reminiscing about WA North West Enduro days in the 80's.  :P
ps: nice team shirts  8)
cheers Alison
Best is in the West !!


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Re: Classic Dirt 7
« Reply #77 on: June 16, 2010, 11:08:22 am »
Just got back from CD7 after a lazy two day drive home (didn't get a speeding ticket this year!). Once again I was blown away with the amazing organisational ability of the SCMCC, the VMX fellas Ken, Alistair and Jeff and even the lovely ladies from the local P&C in the canteen. The venue was once again in better condition than my neighbors front yard and both tracks even better than expectations. Even though I was carrying more than my usual compliment of body damage I managed to drop by many of the camps and catch up with old acquaintances and meet many new friends.
Here are a few of my memories, rattled off as they come to me........................

* Once again Paul Chippendale did a great job setting up the Kevlar Kompound, making it so easy for us once we got there.
His Maicos were in their usual pristine condition and it was a no brainer presenting him with the Klub Kevlar Bling Award. If anybody needs a clue on setting Maicos up correctly, just have a looky at Pauls bikes. Andrew Bailey was his usual rapid self on board them and I've managed to talk Paul into bringing both Andrew and the Maicos to Griffith for the VDT Nats which will shake up the over 50 fields a tad.

* It was fantastic accepting Tony T into the realms of Klub Kevlar and Club Husky.....He fitted in as if he'd been with us all along. I can't wait to see the thousands of shots he must have taken. Ditto our old mate Billy Forsyth. The old bugger was photographing everything that moved and some things that didn't like my Cheney!

* The standard of bikes is beyond anyones expectations of a few years ago. Everywhere I went I'd see a new standard in bling. There'll be no problem finding feature bikes for VMX, way into the future.

* The shift in demographics of the sport was especially noticeable this year. The increasing numbers of pre '85 bikes and the less noticable presence of pre '75 and pre '65 bikes stood out to me. Maybe it was that the pre '75 numbers remained the same but they were made to appear fewer by the increased long travel presence? It'd be interesting to see a breakdown of the actual bike division numbers.

*The pot of Lan Choo and fresh Arnotts Iced Vo-Vo's were in waiting all weekend for Ji-Gantors visit to the Kompound and to accept his dinner invitation for Saturday evenings  Gala Husky dinner banquet. The "Has anyone seen Ji ?" mantra rang through our corner of the valley all weekend. Sadly the Iced Vo-Vo's came home unopened and I'm now devouring a couple with my morning Smoko Hazlenut Skinny Latte'. I donated the left over Lan-Choo to Klub Kevlar Grand Poo bah and tea connoisseur Frank Stanborough. Where were you Ji, I was especially looking forward to our chat?

* Speaking of Frank, the old fella was my travel partner for the trip north to give me a chance to interview him for next issues VMX feature on his Manx Norton/Metisse. By the time I'd arrived at CD7 I had an even bigger admiration for the old fella. His contributions to our sport ranged from racing the first RT1MX in the country through to being the head of Kawasaki's Mr Motocross team and nurturing Graeme Smythe's SR Kawasaki's in 1975 right up to being the workshop genius behind the Australian Team Honda superbike and GP bikes of the seventies/eighties. He'd been building his latest creation, the trick little 250cc NSU Sportmax powered Greeves pre 65 bike since CD6 and he was stoked that it got a lot of attention. An unfortunate broken gearbox during its test run ended any on track action but the attention the bike got from the punters made it worthwhile for the old fella. It was too cool seeing him boppin' away the bands mosh pit on Saturday night calling out for them to play Santana and Jethro Tull and to "crank it up". Not too shabby for a '74 year old who almost died of prostate cancer a couple of years ago.

*The look on Mainlines face after his ride on Jonesys Weslake Metisse was great. It brought home the message that pre '65 bikes aren't the evil, heavy olld shitboxes that many of the younger vintage riders assume they are. Once you ride one they're very addictive and there's nothing cooler.

*Nice seeing Alison and Steve over from WA. Alison seemed to fall in love with Jonesys 250 American Eagle, 'Roger Ramjet', which we gave the "Best Example of a Really, Really Bad Bike" award.

*I fell in love with Husky Pete's 'Gold Nugget' CR500 Silver Bullet Husky converted over to Enduro trim. I'd hate to be stuck on a gnarly hill on the 60hp monster but I reckon it'd be a cool fire trailer.
More a bit later as they come to me.....I have to unload the car now that it's warmed up a tad.


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Re: Classic Dirt 7
« Reply #78 on: June 16, 2010, 11:22:51 am »
It was fantastic accepting Tony T into the realms of Klub Kevlar and Club Husky.....He fitted in as if he'd been with us all along.

The pleasure was all mine, Uncle.  ;D
I approached the weekend in Husky Central and the Kompound the same way you would face any other wild animal. Show no fear and maintain eye contact.  :D :D
Maybe I did show some fear when faced with my first "little green cup". But after 4 or so, they were quite tasty.  ;D

I'm uploading photos as we speak (remember to grab one or two, as all money goes to Magoo's family, not just the 'proceeds'.)

I can't get the buggers to upload to Flickr, Photbucket etc for some reason though. Any I.T. (not Yamaha) smart guys out there with an answer???? Send me a pm if you've got any ideas rather than clutter this thread.  Thanks.

Ji Gantor

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Re: Classic Dirt 7
« Reply #79 on: June 16, 2010, 11:45:59 am »
We arrived at Conondale at 7.30am Friday morning and proceeded to camp ground 2 where we were camped last year.
While erecting our tent Shoey dropped by to say hello, Shoey also gave me a T shirt and extended his offer to join him on Saturday night at Husky Central. I looked forward to spending some quality time with Shoey and all those other great people at Husky Central.
Like most on Saturday all I did was ride the best track in Australia.
I also saw Geoff Ballard not finish the legends lap so I went over and lent a hand to fix his Maico.
Saturday evening after a shower I walked over to Geoff's RV to see how the bike went after the repair but stopped along the way to help change a tyre for people I did not know nor could see very well. Eventually I got to Geoff's RV and was invited to sit and talk with some really interesting fellows. After a bag of peanuts and cornchips my son turned up and informed me that my wife was non to happy with me due to my dinner was getting cold. I bid good bye to Geoff and friends and made my way back to my camp.
Mrs Gantor was non-to-happy and it took some time after my dinner before the dust settled down by that time it was to late to go anywhere.

I totally apologies to one of the sports greatest gentleman, Shoey. Sorry mate if there is anything I can do for you just ask.

Firko, as to our little chat, well mate as you know we all set out to do heaps of stuff at these CD's but get few of them done. I spoke to so many people that I knew and even more I didn't,
I got to speak face to face with Doggy Digger, Hooney, VMX247, Brad Lewis.............................................
I wonder how many CD's it will take to meet everyone?

Tight nuts



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Re: Classic Dirt 7
« Reply #80 on: June 16, 2010, 12:06:25 pm »
Hey Ji

No apology neccessary as i only managed to complete less than 60% of my target goal for the event.

We hope you enjoy our event tee shirt.

I have received 31 requests for this event tee shirt since yesterday morning. We have considered the requests and will not be running another batch.
It sort of defeats the purpose of limited edition.


Ji Gantor

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Re: Classic Dirt 7
« Reply #81 on: June 16, 2010, 12:10:57 pm »
Thanks Mate.
What ever you need doing up here in Brisbane just let me know.
My whole time at CD7 people kept telling me how great that Shoey guy is, and I have to agree.
Take care mate and I am having that shirt framed.

Tight nuts


Offline Graeme M

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Re: Classic Dirt 7
« Reply #82 on: June 16, 2010, 12:28:18 pm »
Damn! Here I am at work reading everyone's stories and checking out the photos and reliving the weekend.

I don't know what I can add to what's already been said - that has to have been about the best Classic Dirt yet. For me, CD1 (or CD2000 as it was) will remain the best - simply because it was the first. I had never been to such a thing and to be confronted by acres of ground littered with bikes, parts and people the like of which I hadn't seen for years was like being a kid let loose in a toy shop. Combined with superb weather, and well... it was just beyond description.

However, this year's event was every bit as good. Superb location, brilliant weather, fantastic tracks, and lots of people and bikes. How good was it?

This year I tried to get around and see things and people I hadn't managed to last year, so I went off to watch some of the riding on the two tracks from different viewing locations. What a blast seeing all the different bikes being put through their paces. Including some pretty fast people on the Pre 75 track! I went down to the trials sections and watched for a bit as well as checked out a mate's efforts on his TY175, and followed that up with a few minutes watching the enduro guys heading off into the mulga.

A decent wander through the camping ground and how many tents and bikes are there? I couldn't believe the size of it all. And enduro bikes. They were everywhere, it was like being at an enduro back in the early 80s.

I caught up with quite a few forum regulars and finally met Brent from the NT. He even let me take his TM125 for a spin, although I failed to get out on his TT500. Next time. Speaking of riding OP's bikes, I was offered a lot of rides but didn't manage to take up on anywhere near all of them. There just isn't enough time!

This year being in good health meant I got to ride the big track at a decent pace and I loved it. My dislike of jumps meant I didn't clear Drunks, but the rest of the track was brilliant. Who couldn't love the downhill blast after drunks, or that squirt up the hill followed by the neat drop off? Or that magic sweeper into the table top before the last big jump? WFO on a 125 through there is just a ball!

The poor old 75 RM125 was well outgunned though - I lost count of the number of times guys on Evo and Pre 85 Open Classers brake checked me, blockpassed me, or just plain roosted the crap out of me. One guy in particular on a KX500 nearly wore the little RM when he decided to take me on the inside into a tight corner, but I saved the day by simply running over the berm and then flailing wildly to stay upright and get back onto the track. Some may say that's just my normal riding style, but I kept it shiny side up, OK?

I could be wrong, but there didn't appear to be too many 1975 or older bikes out on that track. A few, especially someone going way too fast on an old Elsinore of some description, but not many at all. It was Evo/pre 85 city, just like Firko reckons.

Unlike last year, Me and Twisty decided to make it more than just an old dirtbike weekend, so we stayed offsite at some cabins down the road and enjoyed ourselves doing the breakfast in Maleny thing as well as checking out Kenilworth etc. Can't remember the place's name, but the coffee shop in Malenay overlooking the main drag was a great place to sit in the sun and watch the punters streaming through town on their way to the track.

Overall, just the best weekend. Even the long drive there andn back went by in a bit of a blur.

Thanks to all the usual people - the VMX guys, the SCMCC, the people from the P&C, and anyone else involved in organising and running the show. You did yourselves proud.

I'll post up a few photos of my own when I get a chance.

Let's do it again next year!

Offline vmx42

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Re: Classic Dirt 7
« Reply #83 on: June 16, 2010, 12:36:22 pm »
And Graeme,
Don't forget to take a pat on the back for yourself. OzVMX plays such a significant roll in maintaining the momentum of this great pass-time. If it wasn't for you, VMX wouldn't be as active in Aust as it is.

Greatwork. It is the first site I visit each morning and the last one I check before shutting down in the afternoon.
Thanks for everything
When a woman says "What?", it's not because she didn't hear you, she's giving you the chance to chance to change what you said.

Beam me up Scotty, no intelligent life down hereā€¦

"everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not to their own facts"


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Re: Classic Dirt 7
« Reply #84 on: June 16, 2010, 12:55:32 pm »
Thanks Graeme

Same for me

Greatwork. It is also one of the first sites I visit each morning before i get down to business and also one of the last one I check before shutting down in the afternoon.
Not to forget the few peaks during the day.



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Re: Classic Dirt 7
« Reply #85 on: June 16, 2010, 05:31:15 pm »
Loving the memories/photos of CD7 men,
Highlights so far:
1)Sir Bradalot wearing my old Suzuki JT racing jersey?? as sold to  Dodgee?? or is it a  coincidence?. Brad you look so sharp in yellow mate.
2)Seeing my good mate and star of Underbelly Kings Cross; Marty O'Show Milton in frame lapping up some CD action.

What I want to know is did anyone challenge the rental car rally cross record from the Camden Golf Club??

Absolutely pissed I didn't go,next year I am definitely going to be there!!!

« Last Edit: June 16, 2010, 05:33:28 pm by suzuki43 »

Offline Davey Crocket

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Re: Classic Dirt 7
« Reply #86 on: June 16, 2010, 06:06:26 pm »
Last year was awesome.....this year the bar was 3 notches higher.....worse thing is having to wait another year to do it tracks, best event, best weather, best people and I like alot of people didnt get to cross many things off the "to do" list......maybe 4 days is I said last year, it needs to be a week.....come on big can this get?. Thanks to all the organisers and hard workers...I "dip me hats to ya all"....cheers John. (and man am I looking forward to a good, long nights sleep).
QVMX.....Australia's #1 VMX club......leading the way.


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Re: Classic Dirt 7
« Reply #87 on: June 16, 2010, 07:22:17 pm »
I also would like to praise Graeme .M, it has been 20 years from the first vintage day in Victoria, and as it has progressed each year by devoted men and women wheather lap scoring, club activities, corner stewarts to the very first hand written newsletter and program, posters, then from great ideas created by a dream, a Magazine, like Classic dirt bike market to VMX world wide to ozvmx world wide, the computor has bought all of us closer to the making of what l call the holy grail ( friendship, comradship.) I raise my class to Vintage Motorcross, trials, speedway, sidecars, roadracing, Vinenduro. and most all the creation that was moulded in the shed from man and machine, and the stubby.
Long live oz/vmx as one  cheers david#46.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2010, 09:22:19 pm by DAVID#46 »

Offline Graeme M

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Re: Classic Dirt 7
« Reply #88 on: June 16, 2010, 07:43:41 pm »
Thanks for the kind words guys.

Now here's a few photos I managed to snap over the weekend. I wish now I'd taken more but got so sidetracked by things I ended up just leaving the camera behind.


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Re: Classic Dirt 7
« Reply #89 on: June 16, 2010, 07:49:53 pm »
I didn't think anyone got a pic of me on the twin pipe in my get up but Jackie Mac got one. Wish she could have photo-shopped the mid section.

While I am here, thanks to Mark (Huskyevo500) for my first ride on a Husky auto.It was a heap of fun.
Also thanks to Dave Tanner for letting me ride my first works and semi works bike in the RN400 and RH250. Fan bloody tastic!
Also thanks to Vaughan for pestering me to have a run on a chair. I'd do it again.