I took the bike out for another test today at my mates farm.
I swapped the magura throttle off the 125T and it was much better on the wrist.
I left the same pilot jet in but raised the needle 1 notch and took it for a spin and it sounded and ran too fat in the midrange.
Off with the airbox again and i lowered the needle 2 notches (1 above the middle) and took it out.
WOW....much much better and loving the power now with a greater hit from just above 1/4 all the way to nearly full throttle.
The off idle stumble is still there but i'll work on that again next time.I have an access hole in the airbox to get to the mixture screw but i forgot my allen key to get the airbox cover off.
Today was damp and slippery with alot of sheep crap flinging everywhere including in my eyes (goggles off)
I am finding it hard to fault this chassis so far,just waiting for it to step out and surprise me or spit me off.
This bike is making me look good even though i can't ride for shit and attacking some man made berms (excess dirt next to a dam) with more confidence than i thought i had

The PE engine fitted with the modified RM100X? or 125T? pipe (in my stash of pipes)and the whatever it is muffler is working a treat with the 175 engine and the TM34 flatslide(once the off idle is sorted)
Almost an MXish powerband hit,not as violent but a great spread of power all the way to the top.
3 more lts of fuel today and I am loving this bike the more and more i ride it

Enquired about getting it rec rego'd for it this morning and i have everything they asked for.
Only need to connect the brake pedal switch(wiring already there) and fit a rh mirror...don't even need a stand

I'll have to book it in with Vic Roads and get the OK...then pay the dollars(as usual)
Thats it for today....love the bike more than i thought i would with more to get out of it.