Thought i'd keep this post alive.
Still haven't got off my arse to get it rec rego'd

truth be told is that i have 2 car rego's and 1 bike rego in successive months over xmas and Vic Roads get enuff love out of me

I took the bike out to my mates farm again and i absolutely love this bike.
I didn't even bother trying to sort out the very slight bottom to midrange jetting hitch and just kept on riding it to death.
This is what the PE's should have been Mr Suzuki

I finally got around to fitting the 3 month old seat cover after my PE cover arrived last week and wanted to spruce it up a bit,although the 125 bit eats me inside

Still have to put the RM125T and engine back together with the new rod kit,put the PE250T together,work on the Monaro,paint the house etc etc....looking forward to xmas holidays already