thanks for the kind comments peeps but my biggest asset is the spares I have to play with and they are near all oddball Suzuki spares so I don't have to break the bank to own them. I usually only start a project when I have collected enough parts to go 90% or more and this could be giving the impression things are done in zealous haste. Fact is I could have been collecting bits for years as in the case for the TM/TS250 project. I think I started collecting bits for this bike in late 2006 when I was given a partial roller (not the frame pictured). I don't have enough space to have more than 1 'real' project on the go at any given time and this too could be part of the secret..doing just 1 at a time. (mini's excluded as they can be done in the space equivilent to a postage stamp
) As for keeping it all in my head 247 it all comes from nothing but trial and error, neccessity being the mother of invention if I can't afford to buy one I try and build something comparable instead
Usually the hands on experience details remain in the brain where as things I read at best only get partially comprehended and at worst totally forgotten
The biggest mistakes are the best lessons and I made plenty from the age of 13 or 14
Not sure if there are many rules and regs for Vinduro but regardless, being the 'seemingly' non conformist I am
I be heading back to my grassroots and this bike will to be built to suit my own taste not a rule book
The little TS is even more complete now with the addition of indicators and a bit of a tidy up under the hood
no resto but it's tidy. Blinkers maybe an item that rarely lasted a nano second on any bikes I've owned previously but these days they do sorta complete the picture..a sure sign I must be old
I do have the mirrors also but I can't get it in and out the door with them fitted
oh, and I dont work on the bikes inside, my wife/partner simply wouldn't have it..if I had one to dictate such matters that is