I problem with the hold issue is that their are to many events on each year and it needs to come back together as a one unit. ( Victorian State Vmx Championship.) IT would stop all the bickering and riders and people would start to get more interested in the whole series again.
According to the websites of the three (3) respective organisations noted below, they cater for specific age groups of machinery. It would be of interest to understand what year
EVOLUTION was added into the race schedule for VCM?
CSC - CLASSIC SCRAMBLE CLUBThe club was formed by a number of like minded riders who saw the need for a club that simply catered for riders of classic scramble bikes namely pre 60 to pre 75 bikes.
VCM - VICTORIAN CLASSIC MOTOCROSSWith backing from Motorcycling Victoria (MV), the Victorian Classic Motocross Committee & the Victorian Classic Motocross Register (VCM) organize with clubs around Victoria to hold a round of Classic Motocross. The racing is open to bikes from Pre 1965 up to pre 1978 and including Evolution
Note: The 2011 VCM entry form has no reference to Pre65 classes, only Pre 1970 up to pre 1978 and Evolution.
VIPER – VICTORIAN PRE-85 & EVOLUTION REGISTERVIPER is dedicated to developing and promoting a formula for EVOLUTION & Pre’85 racing. This involves setting guidelines for bike eligibility, class structures, managing points tallies, coordinating promotions for the series, etc