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Messages - SLAWESY

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Wanted / CX500 or 650 Circa 1980's or a BMWR650 same vintage
« on: June 24, 2012, 08:21:14 PM »
I have an uncle in his 70's that has just restored a car that has kept him busy as a tribute to his son who lost his battle with cancer a couple of years ago. 

He has finished the project and as an old motorcycle mechanic for Lloyd Campbells in Tassie is looking for another restoration job. He asked me if I knew any one that might know where to get a CX500 or 650 circa 1980's or a BMW R650, I don't, so thought you guys might know someone with one that they wanted to off load.

He does not have much money, just needs another project.. so if you knew anybody with a dust collector please let me know. I know its not VMX but though someone out there may know someone..

Any help would be appreciated.


Competition / Re: 2012 Classic MX Championships
« on: June 12, 2012, 04:28:08 PM »
Jackie Mac has a "truckload" of great photos on her site at  8)

Competition / Re: 2012 Classic MX Championships
« on: June 10, 2012, 06:26:53 PM »
Mont, Just logged into this site, seems to have results

Competition / Re: 2012 Classic MX Championships
« on: June 10, 2012, 05:44:10 PM »
Just got back from Day two... weather held off all day. No photos from me today unfortunately. Every body in good spirits and happy.. :)

Seemed to be plenty of photographers around including Ken so there should be many more photos to see.
Also noticed quite a few GoPros, so hopefully someone will post some track video. I think that you all will be impressed with the facility and the track if you get the chance to see it.

Next mission: to get the numbers for the Pre90 Champs in Tassie!!

Competition / Re: 2012 Classic MX Championships
« on: June 09, 2012, 10:19:01 PM »
Jeez this's a decent save

Your not kidding KB171.. I did not know that I had that shot as the camera was on auto. If you saw the photo on its own you would have to think he "binned" it... :o

Competition / Re: 2012 Classic MX Championships
« on: June 09, 2012, 08:42:22 PM »
Great days racing at the Pre 78 Championships, could not want better weather, or a better venue.  40 strong gates made for brilliant racing. Unfortunately Qld’er Mitch Semmens badly broke his arm and it ended his day. Brad Van Barello just about won every race he was in, absolutely dominated and does not look like slowing down as the track cuts up with use.

I have uploaded a few photos, not too good but better than nothing.  Spectator viewing was quite a distance from the track so it made getting really good shots hard unless you had a big lens. Going again tomorrow, hoping the weather holds out as another top day is on the offering.  Every one I spoke to were happy with the track, hopefully we will get to use it again after the Nats,

Competition / Re: 2012 Classic MX Championships
« on: June 05, 2012, 05:47:57 PM »
that sure is a real bummer Popeye,
especially as we had a real prime spot for you in the shade with full views of the track complete with the drink of your choice and a back~rub girl...
it was to be right next to the jelly wrestling arena...
oh well,
work comes first hey...
you have fun now

Err.... that would be my spot then Vandy??? ;D

eBay Finds / Re: Watercooled RM125C
« on: May 15, 2012, 06:17:21 PM »
Swingarm could be off a DR 400

No, No.... not another swingarm thread!!!    ;D

Competition / Re: QVMX Rocksberg 5th and 6th May
« on: May 07, 2012, 05:26:40 PM »
Thanks for the photos "Robo 47"

Great day out   :)

Competition / Re: VMX race number listing
« on: May 05, 2012, 01:19:41 PM »
seems a few numbers get deleted when a new post goes up. the list has grown in detail , but what to do with it ?

Looks pretty and keeps us time rich guys busy when we are not posting crap in the swingarm section..  ;D

Any Queenslanders making the trip? If so any room for a bike or three? If I can get bikes there and fly down I will make the effort.

Brad, I'm booked to go with the ute and the two bikes and all the other crap I'm taking down, you know, like the fan!!  ;D so i will not have room for a bike although I would be happy to take my trailer down (that I was not taking) if you wanted to pay for the extra to get it over the creek on the boat. Give me a call if you think the proposal has legs..


Or should Bubba just join the Highway Patrol and give motocross the flick forever?


General Discussion / Re: Hannah talks
« on: April 29, 2012, 09:15:59 AM »
Cool guy

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