Thanks Doc,
The thrust bearings that were on the bike when I got it, had no ball bearings left inside the case (just an empty race) and the bike also had a different size bearing on each side of the swingarm. The parts-fiche from Alpha and CMS shows the same thrust bearing and part number for both sides so I'm guessing they're supposed to be the same.
The better looking bearing of the 2 that were on the bike, has an internal diameter of approximately 34 -35 mm which fits snugly on each of the pivot tube, the case is about 9mm deep and it has a hole in the centre approximately 13-14 mm wide to accomodate the pivot shaft.
Given its the same bearing for the A, B and C models I would have thought they'd be pretty common. Possibly a bearing mob like SKF might have something thats close. CMS did have them listed as 'in stock' but they've updated the parts-fiche to say the bearings are no longer available after my order was knocked back.