Doc, you've also shown that not only do you need to throw a shitload of money at a bike to get a decent result, you've also shown that with a bit of lateral thinking and elbow grease you can build a great looking bike. Like you, Peter uses a Janes plating kit to replate things like spokes and nuts bolts and little bits and bobs. My pet hate is people who go overboard with porting, exotic ignitions and trick pipes but leave their bikes with rusty rims and spokes, crap paint, mis matched parts and little attention to detail. These are the same people who jump up and defend vintage motocross when someone knocks our bikes as old shitboxes. I regualrly see some bikes at the races that I'd be ashamed to put on my trailer let alone admit I owned them. I believe presentation to be equally as important to performance. There are a couple of regulars on this forum who while being very nice people, their bikes look like wrecking yard fugitives. You and Peter have shown that there's no excuse for that attitude.