It's all about the "spin" you put on it. Bahnsy want's his bike to be legal and clearly it is not, but he's going his hardest. Maybe if he machined a brake caliper hanger out of a piece of aluminium (preferably 30 years old) it would be legal. Yet he states that the KX500 air cooled, twin shock, isn't legal for EVO because of the fact the engine came from a single shock bike, even though you can apply his rationale to it just the same as the forks in his bike. It's just semantics. As for his statement about XR400 engines etc in old chassis', that is the most ridiculous statement so far, because that kind of bike would not be in the "spirit" of VMX. I have a set of disc WP4054's in the shed but don't want to ride the pre '90 classes which is where they belong. We've been through this a thousand times before, blah blah blah.....