howdy i know the deal with the twin shock and how you cant rebuild thethermo flows, but whats the go with the "B" mono shocks. I guess the answer was easy for the twin shock, as in piss them off and get aftermarket. Are the 360 the same as the 250 ? or anything else more recent.
With the mono, i cant figure out if you can rebuild them, or even have 2, just i dont remeber any After market offerings avaialble now as its limited in application and quite specific, or can you modify later model from an IT or somthing ? they just dont look to rebuildable ? feedback before i make a bad decision.

which will then lead to my next question is there an option in there that will allow me to drop it to the 41/2 inch travel to mean it can be ridden pre 75, if that is the catch to using the monshocks in pre 75

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