From one of my topics about shocks and forks I meet four members that I have a great respect for.
BrentJ, JC, Eno and Walter(YSS).
BrentJ is always trying new things with his suspension and sparks interest in others.
JC has a very logical mind and he pushes me to think on a higher level than what I ever intended to on shocks.
Eno showed me a glimpse of how he installed PD valves in his CZ forks.
Walter really knows what he is talking about when it comes to forks and shocks. He helps people try and understand how they work and how to get the best from them. Unfortunately there are so many of us asking him the same questions every day.
I have already designed my rear shocks with Walters help and intended to fit PD valves to the forks before CD6 but I am not sure it will happen in time.
I will start a topic for all those that are interested as there does not seem to be a lot of info on the subject of installation. I believe that VMX magazine ran an article some time ago on "How To". For those that are interested, Caution! these things are not plug and play. They take quite a bit of time to set up, I have already spent 10 hours measuring my forks from inside out so I know how they work and what clearances I will have when the PD valves are installed. With Walters help and other members that have been through the installation I hope to present a really rich understanding of the inner workings of a fork.