My Answer, MA-NSW, bunch of useless farkin twits with no idea whatsoever, to busy shinning up there badges to be interested in motor sport, until of course they can assert their authority. (sorry I have long term issues with the total incompenence of this organisation
Anouther is that most NSW are in the Sydney basin, and it is imposible to hold an event reasonably close to anywhere so someone always has to travel long distances and it all becomes too furking hard.
My suggestion is similar to Damo's, do you remember how big the Thumper Nats were in the mid nineties ?
It was based aroud C grade riders on less than competitive bikes (4 Strokes of that Error)
with twin shock support classesMaybe a pre 90 and a pre 95 4 stoke class is what is needed, it shure would drag some of the old thumper natters out of the woodwork, it may even get them interested in vintage racing?
Flagging has always been the biggest issue with Club racing, has anyone ever thought about approaching bush fire brigades local to the tracks beig raced at?, I would pay $20 extra to race if there were bush fire brigade flaggies and their brigade was getting it as a donation, knowing them as I do they are a very dedicated group and always trying to raise funds, this could work out as a win-win situation.
5c worth,