Kind of like throwing a straving Ethiopean a piece of wax fruit. Good grief are there any more forgotten 125s in Mexico or Earles forked pseudo Mountain Goats that nobody had the good sense to bin. It wasn't until page 59 and that gaggle of Van Vans that I started to see some bikes I recognised. Maico 4 was cool, best of the MC490 and HL500 perhaps.
Finally however Firko's column put it all in perspective, things have to be kept relevent and bought forward. Remember 'new bike fever', you would be dashing off to the dealer every year, imagine if VMX moved forward at the same pace. An annual injection of new 20 year old bikes and the guys who lusted for them when they couldn't afford them.
I mean whats cooler, YZ250U or a Hercules GS125, CR500 or Van Tech, KTM350 or Alder. At least issue 37 promises an IT250 and sweet looking Mugen.