Brad and Peter had the best "race" of the day in the Legends & Invitations race but Brad got the bad line (incountered a less faster rider) to the finish, but the cheers of the crowd for both of them when they crossed the line was for vintage racing, and the pair put on a great display.
Brad also rode a YZF250 the next day at the "modern" motocross and later that day was in the VMX display ride on a CR250 styling it up in front of the international riders and the large crowd of spectators.
...... even though they had to help build the track, I hope our friends from across the ditch enjoyed there stay and are always welcome back anytime.
Peter Ploen
Peter & Brad in the Legends and Invitation Race
Coming up to the finish...... Bugger...... But it was a great race to watch.
Brad riding at the modern "International Motocross" on a YZF250
Brad riding in the VMX display ride at the "International Motocross"
Brad styling it up on a CR250 at the International Motocross display.