As I mentioned, the sealing surface was a bit rough. It also had dark marks showing the notches where, at some stage, it had been running with a seal in backwards.

I have since given it a clean with a scotchbrite pad and except for a light gouge (probably from a screwdriver removing a previous seal), it is looking really good.
Will be fitting the new seal tomorrow and hopefully it's a bit tighter than the one I've just removed. Was thinking although it's not as tight a fit as I might like, any sealant will still probably just get pushed off as it goes in. It might seal the screwdriver gouge though.
As to whether the seal has actually been leaking is a mystery. I thought a seal leak sucked oil in, yet it wasn't belching smoke, and I had pressure in the gearbox. I'm hoping it's not a seal problem because the existing seal was only 11 hours old. I'm thinking why should the new one be any better and if it leaks again what then? Source another slightly bigger seal? Hopefully not insert a shim.
When I disassembled the bottom end, it was hard to tell if the crankcase join had been sealed correctly. All I can do is make sure I get it right when I do it. Apart from oozing out the clutch cover gasket, oil was also coming out the join right above the gearbox breather, about an inch behind the barrel/crankcase join. Is that a sign it may have been coming through from the crank cavity? I don't know.
Also, regarding seal 'walking'. What do you mean, pokey?