For those who arnt aware how it all works I will try and explain.
Images and files need to be uploaded to a website called a host.
they stay on the host and arnt actually on the website your viewing unless it has an Image hosting facility and that costs from not much to several hundred a month depending on how much room and bandwidth you purchase. Picture it as a remote fuel tank and turning the tap on from a dribble to fill. This means how big the files can be and how many times they can be viewed before you get a message from the host that bandwidth has been exceeded. Still with me?
There are several image hosting add ons for the software that runs this forum that can at the press of a button upload and link (add a direction sign and order to display the image at the image address). and this is where it can get tricky as there is very little control of which images can be displayed as copyright and "other" images may contravene the websites hosting conditions.
All in all it can be a giant headache and require constant supervision and I doubt if thats something being considered by our webmaster or it would have already been done.
Im sure somewhere on here is an instruction how to but anyways.
(There is and its here
Easiest answer is to get just a little computer smart as its not that hard after the first few times. Open an account on one of the free image hosting websites yourself. or you can use facebook or any image on the internet but the address will get longer the more its linked from the original host so best not to "borrow" others pics before asking.
Upload your pictures.
The host site may may come with BB code address or HTML codes already done for you or you can right click the image and select copy image address.
On this forum, in the Reply box , hover over the first pictogram button which is under the change color box.
You will see you have inserted the word IMG enclosed in sets of square brackets with a switch on the last one. That is the software code to display the image at the address we talked about up the top. It says start and finish and no spaces are allowed either side of the address or it wont work so it will display like this.
and it will look like this when all the code is correct. you can see if you did it right by looking at the preview before posting. best of luck.