Looks great but i want the hole rows the otherway around like below pic. I just emailed you that info now. Thanks
LOTS of places have mesh but i have not bee able to find any that have 1.20mm or 18g with 3.8 holes in mild steel.
3/8 holes only come in sheets 1.5 or 1.6mm thick
Maybe 9mm holes is the go rather than 3/8 too. Another guy is also checking his Bassani
my 700x200 allows for extra so is not ultra critical. I have a friend who wants some too so i am waiting to see what size would work for his pipes so then we can just get the sheets all one size hopefully rather than a few at different sizes.
I think 1.1 should still be ok?. I know 1mm sheet is often around .90mm but thats getting too thin.