Yeah just been reading Photobuckets new terms and it doesn't sound good.
My photos are still up at the moment but I expect they will disappear too before long.
These terms were most likely there before but its interesting to read them again;
Photobucket reserves the right to terminate your Membership at any time (even if you've paid a monthly or annual subscription), without warning for any or no reason, with or without prior notice or explanation and without liability, and can even take legal action if needed.
When you make your Content public, you grant us a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, non-revocable, right and license to copy, sell, convey, distribute, stream, post, publicly display (e.g. post it elsewhere), reproduce and create derivative works from it (meaning things based on it), whether in print or any kind of electronic version that exists now or is later developed, for any purpose, including a commercial purpose with the right to sublicense such rights to others.
If you stop using the Photobucket Services, your Content may remain on the Site unless you actively remove your Content, and the rights you granted to us and other Users remain.
$399 to continue with them, fork that