The bike fly's and has really good strong useable power. 13/53 gearing, and with the short chassis the front wheel is easy to float over obstacles and even about a foot of the ground down the straight at Ravo, great fun. The fuel tap is standard and just not in the photo as I was waiting on a new one. The pipe doesn't cause any concern when riding it, although the paint gets rubbed off by your knee. I raced it for the first time at the VCM round at Ravenswood and went pretty good considering I have never raced a pre'75 bike before. They actually graded up to expert on the day, which is not too bad for a fat, old, bald bloke! I got a ride in on the '74 mag 250 as well before a small gremlin came along and caused it to be parked for the rest of the day, and I must say while the 400 is grouse, the 250 is grouser! I have fixed the problem and can't wait to give her a go next weekend at a local track before the trip to Mirboo North for the next VCM round.