Author Topic: 2016 Harrow 100 Vinduro: July 30 - 31  (Read 35148 times)

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Offline 80-85 husky

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Re: 2016 Harrow 100 Vinduro: July 30 - 31
« Reply #45 on: July 28, 2016, 07:54:04 am »
trinkets? what about the bald tyres..... :o

Offline kdx Geoff

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Re: 2016 Harrow 100 Vinduro: July 30 - 31
« Reply #46 on: July 28, 2016, 06:27:07 pm »
Tie these down and off we got in the morning.
I've been told dust is not likely to be an issue over the weekend 8)

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Re: 2016 Harrow 100 Vinduro: July 30 - 31
« Reply #47 on: July 28, 2016, 06:51:40 pm »

Looking good, Geoff-er-y,

And we've got some footies to kick around when we're bored!

Offline kdx Geoff

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Re: 2016 Harrow 100 Vinduro: July 30 - 31
« Reply #48 on: July 28, 2016, 07:41:45 pm »

Looking good, Geoff-er-y,

And we've got some footies to kick around when we're bored!

Almost as pretty as these  ;)

I'd ask you about the rear guards but l don't want to start the weekend off on the wrong foot  ;D ;D
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Re: 2016 Harrow 100 Vinduro: July 30 - 31
« Reply #49 on: July 28, 2016, 08:37:00 pm »
Pre-entry for Harrow has now closed and we are no longer accepting entries via email. Late entries will be accepted at the event Friday, Saturday, and on Sunday morning (early).

Offline 80-85 husky

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Re: 2016 Harrow 100 Vinduro: July 30 - 31
« Reply #50 on: July 29, 2016, 09:36:39 am »
yellow submarine..yellow submarine we all ride a yellow submarine.. ;D :D

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Re: 2016 Harrow 100 Vinduro: July 30 - 31
« Reply #51 on: July 30, 2016, 03:40:15 pm »
Heaps of riders made use of the natural terrain mx track today, which was great to see. We're all hoping that the weather holds out for tomorrow...


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Re: 2016 Harrow 100 Vinduro: July 30 - 31
« Reply #52 on: August 01, 2016, 06:44:11 pm »
When I met up with Team AMTRA mate Darren at Ballan Maccas, it was cold.  We saddled up and headed West into some nasty looking clouds and ever increasing rain.  We asked ourselves on several occasions, at what point are we turning around and giving this the kibosh?  Fortunately, we didn't and 10 minutes out of Harrow, the rain stopped and we arrived amid a glow of glorious sunshine.  We took advantage of this and quickly set-up camp (in case the weather changed it's mind!)

After catch-ups and several beers, we headed to the pub (for more catch-ups and beers), then hung around for dinner and called it a night around 10:30.

Saturday morning was a leisurely wake up and breakfast, before getting bikes and gear ready for the 'practice' session. This consisted of a grass scramble/MX track on a near-by property.  Our posse was one of the first to get there, so with a few others on the track, we cut loose and had a blast.  However, as more and more bikes entered the circuit, the track got more and more cut up and the natural culverts became wider and deeper and they created some serious concerns for many gentlemens' vegetables!

Some little snippets from the track:

Offline Short Stuff

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Re: 2016 Harrow 100 Vinduro: July 30 - 31
« Reply #53 on: August 01, 2016, 06:44:54 pm »

After the practice session, we were supposed to have our bikes impounded by 5:00, but someone had the great idea of taking them all up and parking them in the main street of Harrow for a pic.  I'd had (as had many others), a little too much bible juice, so my bike didn't get there, but plenty did!

After this, it was back to camp to make ourselves beautiful for the VERi AGM and annual Harrow Dinner.  We all opted for a relatively early night to make sure we were in tip-top form for the main event tomorrow.

A bit (lot) of rain fell overnight, so we woke to a cold and foggy morning.  The bikes in the park ferme looked as cold as we felt!  The usual riders briefing was had, warnings were given and advise espoused before the first bikes were given their order to go.  as usual, Team AMTRA lined up and Pat took off, never to be seen again.  Darren and I had arranged to meet up the other guys in our group, (Mark and Ashley from Team F.B.I and Geoff the Independent Member from Bendigo) so off we went and stuck together for the whole day.

The course started with some tight, sandy single track (all on private property), which was a great way to get warmed up.  We then had a continually changing array of open hilly paddocks with steep up and downs (all wet and slippery), lots of boggy creek crossings and generally wet areas.  The terrain hadn't seen much rain for a while, and it was now quite water-logged.  We dodged trees, rocks, dead animals, bogs slippery logs and all manner of other obstacles.  Some sections were grippy and fast, others were treacherously slippery and not so fast, but all in all a good fun ride.  The main loop was 90ks long, and as I always say, 90ks on one of these old girls feels a lot more than a modern bike, so after one loop, we were quite happy to call it a day.  

Gold medals were awarded to anyone who completed a full loop and there were plenty that didn't!  

The event attracted about 160 riders, with various marques being represented.  XRs have surpassed ITs as the most common bike.  I'm happy to say that the widow-maker performed faultlessly all day and it was great to spend the day riding with Daz.  I have no idea how Pat went cos we didn't see him till later in the afternoon!  No doubt, more footage and pics will appear in the coming days.

Harrow 2016, done and (not so) dusted!

Offline 80-85 husky

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Re: 2016 Harrow 100 Vinduro: July 30 - 31
« Reply #54 on: August 01, 2016, 08:29:22 pm »
that dodgy creek crossing claimed a few bikes..after the can am 4wheeler and 6 blokes were required to drag the ol kato out, the course was changed!

Offline 80-85 husky

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Re: 2016 Harrow 100 Vinduro: July 30 - 31
« Reply #55 on: August 01, 2016, 09:02:36 pm »
well yesterday was perfect and after running the long lap or short lap clip board for a while, I went round the long lap for a spin.. the sand was great, and then it turned to poo! I got to the first fence ramp in time to see ol mate dragging his bike under the fence?? then I saw the marks on the ramp :o..i skull dragged the husky under the fence... while it was stuck under there another punter arrived and attacked the ramp only to bury the front wheel in the deep hole and spread himself over the cross brace.. he went round again and managed to get the wheel up and got over... after struggling around avoiding all the good bog holes. I came to the creek with the big washout in it...they  had just dragged 1 bloke out and he had been totally under.. and the two time ramp specialist was buried up to the tank! it was decided to re route the course. I helped a mate get through the pooiest bits and I couldn't believe how greasy and slippery those tracks were. amazing. (having 25 psi in the rear tyre didn't help). after getting back to the fuel dump it was time to pull the arrows down so away we went again. got over the ramp with a careful angled attack (phew) then promptly got both of us stuck up to the arse around the corner... when we got to the greasy tracks, they were totally dry and starting to go hard..amazing :). got back to camp at 6 having cleared the course.

spent today pulling the ramps down and packing up signs etc. just as we drove to the tricky ramp it bucketed down, serious rain for 15 mins or so then cleared so we hightailed to the ramp driving through a virtual river to make it through, the water cascading through the crops was truly amazing. we disassembled the ramp, packed it on to the rhino and headed back to lachies ute and it started raining again just as we were loading it up but didn't get to wet.... then on the way to the last two ramps, I bogged lachies rodeo to the arse  :-\so with no reception, I headed of on a 3k walk to get assistance. it popped out easily enough and we got the ramps all loaded up and back to the storage yard.  just thought I would let you know the circus that goes on to bring you all that excellent ride 8)

Offline oz555ktm

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Re: 2016 Harrow 100 Vinduro: July 30 - 31
« Reply #56 on: August 01, 2016, 10:38:14 pm »
Well Back from living a Dream to Canberra ..

What a Fantastic weekend Harrow Ticks every Box and + sum

From someone who know how much work goes in to setting up a Vinduro and Harrow is a Massive  Job ..

A Big Thank to Steve , Duncan , Matt , Rob  and Sorry if I left you Out and Veri For a Top weekend of FUN

This Mob of Blokes Had a Top weekend and Good  time


I have 100 s of photo need time to go over them need to go to bed and off to Bulla tomorrow
« Last Edit: August 01, 2016, 10:39:47 pm by oz555ktm »
And Please forgive me as I cant Spell for Shit ...
And I have very Bad Gramer ...too I been told ......

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Re: 2016 Harrow 100 Vinduro: July 30 - 31
« Reply #57 on: August 02, 2016, 07:43:10 am »
I was a first time Harrow vinduroer, what a blast. It turned out to be a war of attrition for a lot of riders. I have a crook hip & pretty much can't get on or off a bike without some sort of step to stand on & that's where the fun began for me. Ran up the behind of a few riders & stalled, had to somehow get off the bike, start the bike, then get back on, ended up pushing a fair distance a few times looking for rocks & logs (few & far between in the places I got stuck). Thanks to the two sweep riders who held my bike for me while I re-mounted on a few occasions. I went off the bike a few times, over the bars, sideways & the best one was a flip on the nasty creek crossing which saw me do a backward header into the creek & go completely under water (yep, that was me in 85 Husky's story). Still it was a hell fun event & do-able even for a busted, fat, old, bald prick like me. The 400 Husky was the perfect bike for the occasion, real easy to use grunt, just put it in third & saw away at the endless bogs & off camber hills. The black sand single trail & fire trail were awesome. I made it round a full loop albeit with a bit of help from the assistants, many thanks again. One thing I learned for the better riders is that they pick much better lines & miss most of the nasty stuff.

Offline Ekka

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Re: 2016 Harrow 100 Vinduro: July 30 - 31
« Reply #58 on: August 02, 2016, 08:35:02 am »
Best course so far thanks to all the hard work to the crew in setting up and cleaning up I know how much it takes to do . Best weekend I've had on and off the the track with team vtr, thanks to Dennis M and Bill C for lugging me and bikes down and back .
The IT run awesome all day and for the first time I didn't loose my brakes  :D and was able to carve up the special test section . If you haven't done a Harrow pull out your bucket list and add it to . Thanks again and look forward to seeing the team results Cheers Ek 

Offline mboddy

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Re: 2016 Harrow 100 Vinduro: July 30 - 31
« Reply #59 on: August 02, 2016, 08:56:16 am »
Ride report with photos on Vinduro Penrite Team Facebook page:

Video to follow later.
Vinduro Penrite Team
1980 Yamaha IT125G, 1979 Yamaha IT175F, 1984 Yamaha IT200L, 1977 Yamaha IT250D and IT400D