Author Topic: Am I the only one  (Read 20182 times)

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Offline William Doe

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Re: Am I the only one
« Reply #15 on: April 20, 2016, 09:57:55 am »
What makes them think that they can leave behind the country that they created, settle in a new country and bring all their beliefs/culture and religion with them. If you feel that strongly that you have to flee your country then you leave all your beliefs behind, not just take our freedom, our room, our welfare and dress, talk your own language and live your ways in our country. Then tell us our way of living is wrong. If you want to come to Australia then you want the whole package, not just bits of it.

Thats easy to answer  ;D They dont think , THEY KNOW  ;)

They know that no matter where they go into countries based on Christian values ( Russia possibly being the exception ) the population will just roll over and take what ever they serve up or demand .

The population of these countries are very good at getting onto internet forums and social media and whinging and whining about it but thats all we do .

We whinge and whine about politicians letting it all happen  ::)

Someone voted for those politicians

Politicians have no power without the support of the people and the people are to complacent to do anything other than whine and whinge .

Not only do these people know they can get everything they want , they are laughing at the pathetic population that bends over and takes it  ;)

Somebody has already said get used to it and thats what we might as well do. Its never to late to stop it , but i dont see it happening . With Anzac day coming up you have to wonder what those who fought to keep us safe from evil would think of the apathetic attitude of todays population . 
« Last Edit: April 20, 2016, 10:03:15 am by William Doe »
Its only old bike racing FFS get over yourselves

The Artist formerly known as TM Bill

Offline evo550

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Re: Am I the only one
« Reply #16 on: April 20, 2016, 11:37:54 am »
One of the things that irks me the most is that anyone that questions Islam/Mosques or Refugees relationship with both is simply howled down as a racist.
If you suggest refugees are linked to terrorism "God help you", even though the only terrorist acts I can think of were committed by refugees or their families (obviously the mainstream press ignore this but I understand it's true.)
-The police stabbed in Melbourne
-The Lindt Cafe siege.
-Police employee shot to death as he walk out of his workplace.
In that terrorist attack, the weapon was supplied in the local Mosque.

None of this is secret, but it certainly seems glossed over.

Interesting side point.

Why is it that when a person of middle eastern descent commits a crime with a gun or a knife the media label it "Terrorism" or "Act of Terror", but when someone who is Caucasian does it they are called a "Gunman" or "Man weilding a knife" ??
Media hype??

Well, sometimes during the act they are holding up an ISIS flag in the window. Other times they are yelling "Allah Akabar". I guess that is one point of difference.

If it was a crack head waving a NZ flag yelling "I hate you cnuts" as he shot a police man....he would be labelled a drug affected gunman, although the crime and end result is exactly the same as the "Terrorist"
My point is although the crime is the same, depending on who commits it, different language is used to describe it.
Why is that?

Offline skypig

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Re: Am I the only one
« Reply #17 on: April 20, 2016, 02:37:41 pm »

Well, sometimes during the act they are holding up an ISIS flag in the window. Other times they are yelling "Allah Akabar". I guess that is one point of difference.

If it was a crack head waving a NZ flag yelling "I hate you cnuts" as he shot a police man....he would be labelled a drug affected gunman, although the crime and end result is exactly the same as the "Terrorist"
My point is although the crime is the same, depending on who commits it, different language is used to describe it.
Why is that?

What's "terrorisim" and what's "mindless violence" is separated by a blurry line, for sure.
And I agree, the T word is flavor of the month with the mind mush press.

I'm thinking Terrorism is the ultimate expression of racism: kill as many people as possible if they hold even slightly different views to the perpetrator. That is: a religious motivation.
Insane killers like Martin Bryant for eg,  target randomly.
Others for personal reasons (feelings of being wronged by a group, sexual gratification.)

I don't think it's as simple as "who commits it", but rather the style and motivation that gets it classed as terrorism.

I don't recall anyone ever waving an NZ flag (so close to our own) while randomly killing people. I do remember seeing the ISIS flag while a refugee was killing innocent people in the name of Islam. (Basically the very definition of terrorism.)

Offline jimson

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Re: Am I the only one
« Reply #18 on: April 20, 2016, 05:21:47 pm »
Well said Bill. I'm not educated enough to put my thoughts to words, But let me say this. Australians in the past have had major battles overseas, in the future they will be on home soil & the wedgers are been driven in now to weaken the unity of thy country men. It's called devied & conquer. Jimson
Just a balless freak having a go

Offline bazza

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Re: Am I the only one
« Reply #19 on: April 20, 2016, 06:34:24 pm »
Wise words Bill.  ;) ;)
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Offline Nathan S

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Re: Am I the only one
« Reply #20 on: April 20, 2016, 08:02:19 pm »
Man Monis was an A-grade forkwit, and criminal. And probably mentally ill. He'd had no prior interest in terrorism/ISIL, but he did have a long criminal history.
It's widely accepted by rational commentators and observers that his flag was attention seeking idiocy, and his actions were not "terrorism". The real acts of ISIL-inspired terrorism that we've seen have all been far more brutal, and far less drawn out.

And from memory, he didn't have the ISIL flag... He asked for one AFTER the siege began - clearly a dedicated warrior for the cause...  ::)
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Offline FAT-TOY

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Re: Am I the only one
« Reply #21 on: April 20, 2016, 11:15:31 pm »

   My ex next door neighbour, an old fella who has now move into a nursing home, very smart and I miss his company.
 We were having a chat in the shed as we often did and the subject of moslems came up and his thoughts were that one of the main reasons apart from the terrorist attacks overseas (well they were then) was the fact that they had no interest in assimilating into Australian culture.  This is not as uncommon as you might think, the original immigrants from China had very similar ideas about marrying into another race but they were mostly a gentle people and didn't go out of their way to antagonize other races and religions.  The way Frank explained his thoughts to me were that the moslem religion looks on all other religions as being lepers, now they can talk to a leper even trade with them and in many cases become friendly with them but they would never marry or allow a member of their family to marry one of them.  Because after all they are lepers.
  I do think that the great majority of the moslems in this and other countries are good people and of little or no threat to us.
                        They just don't want to get to close to us lepers.
                                                                                             Cheers Zane
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Offline Nathan S

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Re: Am I the only one
« Reply #22 on: April 21, 2016, 07:53:06 am »
The "Muslims don't assimilate" thing is nonsense.
All the same things have been said of Greek, Italian, Vietnamese and Japanese migrants in the past.

The simple reality is that education and wealth are great corrupters of religion. I mean, dedicating your life to Allah might hold some appeal when you're uneducated, dirt poor and living in the desert, but it is a hell of a lot less attractive when you've got a decent job, a nice house in the suburbs and an HSV in the garage.

After the Bali bombings, Howard's main response to weaken Jemah Islamiah was to give the Indonesian government money, mostly to spend on education.
And it worked. Jemah Islamiah has been massively diminished.

I'm no fan of Islam. But any time we make blanket statements about a large group of people, we are bound to be wrong. If we want to address the ACTUAL problems that are happening in the name of Islam, then we need to move WAY beyond the current "Muslim = Trrrist" dribble.

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Offline William Doe

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Re: Am I the only one
« Reply #23 on: April 21, 2016, 08:59:57 am »
I hate to agree with you Nathan as it puts the balance of things out  ;D

But i agree the whole terrorism thing is small fish in the bigger picture . Its the passive invasion that will fork our way of life in the long run .

I grew up ( i use the phrase lightly as i have never really grown up ) in the UK and my childhood memories are of the forking IRA blowing up innocent people in the name of religion .

My first memory of Muslims and terrorism was the Munich Olympics massacre, and then the Iranian embassy siege in London.

I think overall it is a vile religion that needs to come out of the dark ages same could be said for Christianity though  .

Your point about the comforts of the Western world diluting the need to subscribe to Ali Baba  Nathan probably has some truth , but Muslim men in particular generally have no respect for women regardless of where or how they live .

And in recent times at least , not every muslim is a terrorist but every terrorist is a muslim  ;)
Its only old bike racing FFS get over yourselves

The Artist formerly known as TM Bill

Offline Nathan S

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Re: Am I the only one
« Reply #24 on: April 21, 2016, 09:22:19 am »
ISIL (who are Sunni Muslims) kill Shia Muslims for being progressive. The extreme Sunnis are literally pushing for a return to the dark ages - don't forget that they kill way more Muslims than anyone else.

The Quoran isn't more extreme than the Bible. The real difference is that there's people who have the right mix of zealotry, missing education and desperation to take the Quoran literally.

It's incorrect to say that all terrorists are Muslims - unless you choose to define terrorism as something only Muslims do... Anders Behring Breivik being one name that springs to mind.

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Offline Nathan S

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The good thing about telling the truth is that you don't have to remember what you said.

Offline Lozza

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Re: Am I the only one
« Reply #26 on: April 21, 2016, 11:34:11 am »

I grew up ( i use the phrase lightly as i have never really grown up ) in the UK and my childhood memories are of the forking IRA blowing up innocent people in the name of religion .

My first memory of Muslims and terrorism was the Munich Olympics massacre, and then the Iranian embassy siege in London.

When I walked around the Ardoyne and Shankhill in Belfast many said "The Troubles" were nothing to do with religion. Was all about the UK (namely Thatcher) never wanting the resource rich area of the North Sea to revert to ownership of the Irish Republic and giving up the best squaddie training ground in the world, (Shell , BP have no presence in the Republic), religion was a way of dividing and idenfiying which "side" your from. The large majority of people just wanted to live their life and go about their business The atrocities committed by the Loyalist paramilitaries(SHANKILL BUTCHERS) never received the same coverage did they. Did the anyone from the RUC ever face prosecution for the shoot to kill policy they had?

Ever wonder where the IRA got all their M16's and semtex explosives from?

In the end what stopped the Troubles? A simple power sharing arrangement.

The Munich massacre was committed by the Black September group and were actually shut down by the PLO.

The PLO is dead now due to creation of their shrinking homeland and some autonomy (ISIS is a different case but the flow of people going there would be relatively easy to stop).

See the pattern? As soon as the major cause of the disenfranchisement is taken away the  violence ceases. Power imbalances are what underpin every "terrorist" group.

The Iranian Embassy seige was carried out by Iranians strangely trying to stop the oil rich region being overrun by multinationals under the CIA's best friend the Shah of Iran.........who would have ever thought that. Another odd thing was why the SAS stormed the Embassy  in broad daylight and all the tv cameras managed to be rolling at the time. Wonder who was the PM then?

Nobody ever seems to remember the King David Hotel or who the Irgun were.
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Offline Slakewell

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Re: Am I the only one
« Reply #27 on: April 21, 2016, 11:57:24 am »
For those whom think immigration is the devil here is a news story about a couple of immigrants.
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Offline evo550

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Re: Am I the only one
« Reply #28 on: April 21, 2016, 12:40:11 pm »

And in recent times at least , not every muslim is a terrorist but every terrorist is a muslim  ;)
Are you sure???
 Detonating a bomb in a crowded place killing innocent people is deemed a act of terrorism, but only if done by a Muslim. But when a western country detonates a bomb(all from the a distance of 40 000 ft) killing innocent people we don't call that terrorism, because it wasn't done by a Muslim? Although the weapon used and end result are the same.
Taking an assault rifle into the street and shooting randomly, again killing innocent people is only terrorism if done by a Muslim, Martin Bryant does it and he's just a poor misunderstood kid with a sad upbringing (60 minutes a few weeks ago). Again although the weapon used and the end result are the same we tend not to want to consider ourselves as bad as "them"
If you stop focusing on the person who is committing the crime (less important) and focus more on the crime itself (more important) you quickly come to the conclusion that either everyone is a "terrorist" or no one is.

Offline fred99999au

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Re: Am I the only one
« Reply #29 on: April 21, 2016, 05:35:14 pm »
Isn’t the motivation to kill others the key to this argument? jihadis will kill others to get to heaven, whereas the likes of Bryant did it because he was angry at the first couple he killed.

The terrorism comes in because of the random nature of the jihadi way, I reckon.

In terms of migration, if someone wants to come over here and be one of us and contribute, then that is a good thing and welcome. Just don’t come and make us change.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2016, 05:41:47 pm by fred99999au »