VMX247--No more than 10??
2012 Classic Nationals 250cc 40-49 16 riders, 2013 250cc 40-49 12 riders
50-59 28 riders 50-59 18 riders
60+ 13 riders 60+ 16 riders
263+ 40-49 19 riders 263+ 40-49 10 riders
50-59 16 riders 50-59 13 riders
60+ 19 riders 60+ 15 riders
Sorry to introduce facts into the discussion
Just my opinion but talking about more relevant actual facts - by just using the normal age classes (not splitting into the 18 variations proposed) you will not only get fuller fields but actually allow spectators to actually see multiple Australian title races not just a trailing of multi gate confusing support ride events, and get this fact ...guess what you WILL STILL deliver 6 Australian title classes, which after all is said and done from the above facts list is all that was achieved... ( yet with 150 entrants ? ).
What did all the people who drove there from across Australia do when they had no title class to race in ?, just go out for a fun day ride ? why should they have to, they should have every right to compete for a Aussie title after all that's the point right of the host club being awarded it.
Manipulating grids with bits an bobs of age entries with the remaining 10 classes (obviously using above facts as min numbers where not attained) those other poor buggers that travelled ended up literally in a club day ride. ( non title class) and had to pay for the privilege.
Going by the above stats you would have been better to use the normal All power version of rating age groups and where over subscribed you could have then used the variation options to split or upgrade non title ages ie <30 -49 together to create titles or use the capacity option wiser to just split the over subscribed combinations that end up 40+ plus gates. At the end of the Day surely we would be more interested in pursuing all the options to deliver bonifide title offerings based on the actual entry list, not a static sliding hope of fixed references.
Limiting ourselves to capacity age variation discussions will certainly create a downward trend in the sport, as can be seen in your age bracket creep reference, it has reached terminal velocity over the years. Sooner or later you will just have a 60 plus title if you don't create solid fields now and build activity and credibility.
It will become not financially viable for a club to Pay all the expenses to host an Aussie title, permits, medical and so on.. yet be unable to sell sponsors and rider and spectators the fullest of Aussie title class options.
You can't expect to offer *27 variations of Aussie title classes and expect the wider motorsport community to not question the value we place on the Aussie medallion. IT'S not a peewee cup for crusty old people, there are other events like bonanza, CD and the like in each state to cater for joy rides.... I think we need to seriously think about how we as riders, clubs and promoters ensure we do everything we cant to create value for each title, create every opportunity for every rider and deliver for every sponsor and person standing on the fence.
seriously Next time I enter a championship event if its not structured and delivers an Aussie title class ill be asking for a discount....
this is just IMHO