I've just been informed that the ACTMCC and MA have received a few enquiries about classes for Pre 75. As I understand it, the supp regs specify age racing for Pre 75, however a number of people have asked if there will also be 'open' classes for Pre 75. That is, as well as the age classes, there will also be an age open class for the three capacities. The ACTMCC have sought clarification from MA, but it seems likely that approval will be given to add these classes.
This means that in addition to your age class, you can enter the same bike in the same capacity class in an 'all ages' class. For example, a 45 year old with a 1974 CR125 can enter the Pre 75 125 class in both 40-49 years and 'open' classes.
If approval is given, hopefully on Monday, an amended entry form will be issued. Note that to enter the extra class will cost an additional $25. You can send in an entry using the current entry form and add the extra class (together with the correct entry fees), however I'd suggest waiting till the amendment is confirmed.
Enquiries can be directed to Darylene Austin on 0402854414 (between 4:00pm and 8:00pm)